
Topic: Scientific proof that God exists? - page 250. (Read 845582 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 25, 2015, 12:58:40 PM
And 1aguar has so much depth that he forgets the connection.

I do appreciate the "compliment" and acknowledgment that I am a "deep thinker". However, you are asking us to accept that the Bible is perfect and inerrant; I don't think it is possible to prove that; worse still, this kind of submission to authority is irrational, and you cannot awaken to GOD's TRUTH if you are narrow-minded.

If you want some breadth of knowledge, perhaps you could investigate Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga, or Ancient Aliens, or Phoenix Journals, as has been suggested to you by people in this thread. I am sure you will learn something if you watch those episodes which relate to Christian ideas; they are quite interesting!

By far the most important thing in any one's spiritual journey is to never surrender discernment to any book or person. Why?
1) God's people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4).
2) Reason is a gift, you must wisely use it to multiply knowledge; do not abandon or "bury" GOD's gifts (Matthew 25).
3) Man is a rational being. To be rational means that you can intelligently evaluate new ideas when presented.
4) No man on Earth is perfect or free from error and all books are written by men. Therefore, all books are limited (incomplete).
5) The only certainty is change. If you cannot change your mind, then you must be "dead".
6) No false idols. Only GOD is perfect and deserving of total obedience. God resides within YOU, not some book.
7) GOD sent many messengers; how would you know that yours is the most correct unless you compare and evaluate?
8 ) GOD is mysterious, so you have to perform an investigation no matter what. The raw truth is never popular (Amos 5), so the mainstream answers are usually wrong.
9) If you surrender your discernment and turn off your mind by saying "who am I to know?", you are saying "who am I to live?"--Ayn Rand
10) GOD made man judge of all things. You are to judge what is good by what agrees with YOU.

So I am urging readers to "Read it ALL and judge in wisdom of knowledge". I think that it is very good advice. You are telling readers that "the wisdom of the Bible is pure, complete, perfect, and absolutely true". I think that your claim is irrational and provably false. You are suggesting that I place my faith in a book and thereby escape having to think about and evaluate any other knowledge claims. That is anti-reason, it is irrational, and therefore foolish.

Everyone is under authority. For example, gravity has some authority over you for your benefit. But, you can overcome it to some extent, also for your benefit.

Because of the way that the Bible came into being, and because of the nation through which it came, and the prophesies, and the Spirit of God working in those who acknowledge it, there is no reason for anything else.

If you want something else, go ahead. But if you don't accept Jesus of the Bible Who built you in your Mommy's tummy, you will lose everything. Your choice. God holds it open as a choice for you, either way.

Other than that, I don't study about all kinds of wisdom and supposed wisdom, because I don't have time. I would like to know electronics, but there are other things that I want more. So, I don't get more than a smattering of electronics. Same with other wisdom and knowledge.

Why would I want the foolishness of wisdom that says that I can make it on my own? Rather, I would suggest that I need help. That help is Jesus.

So, what are you really doing with your instructions for me? Are you so benevolent that you want to take me from salvation? Even if your idea of works righteousness were the way, my works of trusting in Jesus salvation would be the way that I am saving myself even if Jesus weren't true.

full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
November 25, 2015, 12:43:37 PM
And 1aguar has so much depth that he forgets the connection.

I do appreciate the "compliment" and acknowledgment that I am a "deep thinker". However, you are asking us to accept that the Bible is perfect and inerrant; I don't think it is possible to prove that; worse still, this kind of submission to authority is irrational, and you cannot awaken to GOD's TRUTH if you are narrow-minded.

If you want some breadth of knowledge, perhaps you could investigate Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga, or Ancient Aliens, or Phoenix Journals, as has been suggested to you by people in this thread. I am sure you will learn something if you watch those episodes which relate to Christian ideas; they are quite interesting!

By far the most important thing in any one's spiritual journey is to never surrender discernment to any book or person. Why?
1) God's people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4).
2) Reason is a gift, you must wisely use it to multiply knowledge; do not abandon or "bury" GOD's gifts (Matthew 25).
3) Man is a rational being. To be rational means that you can intelligently evaluate new ideas when presented.
4) No man on Earth is perfect or free from error and all books are written by men. Therefore, all books are limited (incomplete).
5) The only certainty is change. If you cannot change your mind, then you must be "dead".
6) No false idols. Only GOD is perfect and deserving of total obedience. God resides within YOU, not some book.
7) GOD sent many messengers; how would you know that yours is the most correct unless you compare and evaluate?
8 ) GOD is mysterious, so you have to perform an investigation no matter what. The raw truth is never popular (Amos 5), so the mainstream answers are usually wrong.
9) If you surrender your discernment and turn off your mind by saying "who am I to know?", you are saying "who am I to live?"--Ayn Rand
10) GOD made man judge of all things. You are to judge what is good by what agrees with YOU.

So I am urging readers to "Read it ALL and judge in wisdom of knowledge". I think that it is very good advice. You are telling readers that "the wisdom of the Bible is pure, complete, perfect, and absolutely true". I think that your claim is irrational and provably false. You are suggesting that I place my faith in a book and thereby escape having to think about and evaluate any other knowledge claims. That is anti-reason, it is irrational, and therefore foolish.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 25, 2015, 11:32:37 AM

Now I am sure that you never read the whole Bible and also you don't know anything about Yoga...

Because if you do, you will know that the Bible is one of the biggest books in the world where you can find anything you need like books of Law, History, Wisdom, Prophets, History of the Christ, Acts of Apostles and The Revelation.

Now, I must remind you a few things that you forgot in our discussion. The evidences from where the Bible originated are found in ancient Mesopotamia, where actually the whole things have happened. And according to new research that period is now dating for 10 to 14.000 years b.c.e. Christ was born in the New Era and Yoga was show for the first time in 1000 years before Christ. The founder of Yoga is Patanjali!

So tell me know, how can YOGA be much older then the Bible when the facts and the stories are talking about period long before there was a life on EARTH!?

Another thing that is mentioned in Yoga and Christ do the same thing is: I am the LIGHT! So, actually Christ before came to Earth has visited the Vedas and ask them about what is the LIGHT!? Smiley

Mate, instead of giving me no sense things, why don't try to think in terms of energy and try to understand what Christ and the Apostles where talking about it?.. I hope now that you realize in what I believe... Smiley

And one more thing. You mention the word religion, so please give me your definition about what is religion and what is spirituality?

Hi! We are having an interesting discussion here. I wonder what it is all about. I agree with much of what you say. Neither of us knows everything. So, what are we really discussing?

I am saying that God is His own "person," just like we are our own person... only more so.

I am I. I think my thoughts. I feel the things that I feel. Nobody else is me. Nobody else feels what I feel. Some people may empathize with me if they see my condition. A few sensitive people may feel my vibes even though they don't know me. But they are not me. I am me.

The same goes for you. The same goes for God, except that He may be more Himself than we are we, and, He knows all about everything. He does more than empathize with us, though we don't realize it very easily.

Is this what we are discussing? Are you saying that God is simply unfeeling energy? What are we really talking about here?


Just like is written in the first book of Moses, He create us in His image, so we actually look like Him, because God is a living being!

I know that we are talking about something we both believe, but what I am trying to tell you is that the Bible and Yoga are very connected. The Bible is a way of life i.e. you learn how to become a spiritual person. The Bible is not a religion! Just like Yoga is not a part from any other religion...

Yoga will teach you how to understand all miracles that Christ show to the people. Everything that He did it is by creating and projected energy. But, if you want to be able to that, you must have clear and focused thoughts. Yoga will help you to gather you thoughts and if you are able to do that I am sure that you can pray without problem.

Pray and meditation has enormous power. But, you can't have honest pray if you didn't meditate before. Mate, everything that I am telling you is from my personal research and experience. I didn't go to church to ask the pope or to call some monk from a buddhist temple! Smiley Smiley

I am happy that you have researched things and found out all kinds of info. I am not saying anything against that.

Fluffer (Buffer Overflow), on the other hand, is simply talking in ways that don't have a lot of depth... or at least so it seems. And 1aguar has so much depth that he forgets the connection.

I agree that there are books and practices that have understanding that is not in the Bible. The purpose of the Bible and the miracles recorded therein are not mainly for doing miracles. Sure, miracles are nice, and miracles can make life better at times, and sometimes miracles are even fun. But that isn't the major point of the Bible.

The major point of the Bible is found here, John 20:30,31:
Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

Without the Bible, all the Yoga writings, and religious writings of every other kind, would leave us guessing about our salvation. You can see it from the fact that 1aguar selects the idea of the two of us picking on each other, rather than answering the point of us Christian gods using our god-power to make the God of the Bible to be the Super-God. 1aguar focuses on the less important, rather on that of greater importance.

It is the same with Yoga. Without the Bible, Yoga would focus on the miracles rather than on clear-cut salvation. Even with the Bible, Yoga wants to distract us from the important thing, salvation and eternal life through Jesus.

We were created in the image of God. What is the image of God like? If you want to believe God meant physical image, here it is, very clearly. Talking about Jesus, Saint Paul shows us in Colossians 1:15-20...
15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.

16 For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.

17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.

19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him,

20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

In other words, it was probably Jesus walking in the Garden of Eden in the cool of the day, after Adam and Eve sinned. And The Angel of The Lord written about throughout the Old Testament is probably Jesus before He came to earth in His humiliation.

Knowing this, what are you really doing when you keep on talking about these things? I am not disagreeing with you. The Bible simply has a different major purpose than Yoga does.

Activity: 2156
Merit: 1393
You lead and I'll watch you walk away.
November 25, 2015, 09:50:03 AM
I was at a party and found living proof that God exists.

At the very least believe in angels now. Too bad she admitted to being a Muslim. My Christian country will probably kill her or jail her at some point in the future for being a terrorist.
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
November 25, 2015, 07:46:24 AM

Now I am sure that you never read the whole Bible and also you don't know anything about Yoga...

Because if you do, you will know that the Bible is one of the biggest books in the world where you can find anything you need like books of Law, History, Wisdom, Prophets, History of the Christ, Acts of Apostles and The Revelation.

Now, I must remind you a few things that you forgot in our discussion. The evidences from where the Bible originated are found in ancient Mesopotamia, where actually the whole things have happened. And according to new research that period is now dating for 10 to 14.000 years b.c.e. Christ was born in the New Era and Yoga was show for the first time in 1000 years before Christ. The founder of Yoga is Patanjali!

So tell me know, how can YOGA be much older then the Bible when the facts and the stories are talking about period long before there was a life on EARTH!?

Another thing that is mentioned in Yoga and Christ do the same thing is: I am the LIGHT! So, actually Christ before came to Earth has visited the Vedas and ask them about what is the LIGHT!? Smiley

Mate, instead of giving me no sense things, why don't try to think in terms of energy and try to understand what Christ and the Apostles where talking about it?.. I hope now that you realize in what I believe... Smiley

And one more thing. You mention the word religion, so please give me your definition about what is religion and what is spirituality?

Hi! We are having an interesting discussion here. I wonder what it is all about. I agree with much of what you say. Neither of us knows everything. So, what are we really discussing?

I am saying that God is His own "person," just like we are our own person... only more so.

I am I. I think my thoughts. I feel the things that I feel. Nobody else is me. Nobody else feels what I feel. Some people may empathize with me if they see my condition. A few sensitive people may feel my vibes even though they don't know me. But they are not me. I am me.

The same goes for you. The same goes for God, except that He may be more Himself than we are we, and, He knows all about everything. He does more than empathize with us, though we don't realize it very easily.

Is this what we are discussing? Are you saying that God is simply unfeeling energy? What are we really talking about here?


Just like is written in the first book of Moses, He create us in His image, so we actually look like Him, because God is a living being!

I know that we are talking about something we both believe, but what I am trying to tell you is that the Bible and Yoga are very connected. The Bible is a way of life i.e. you learn how to become a spiritual person. The Bible is not a religion! Just like Yoga is not a part from any other religion...

Yoga will teach you how to understand all miracles that Christ show to the people. Everything that He did it is by creating and projected energy. But, if you want to be able to that, you must have clear and focused thoughts. Yoga will help you to gather you thoughts and if you are able to do that I am sure that you can pray without problem.

Pray and meditation has enormous power. But, you can't have honest pray if you didn't meditate before. Mate, everything that I am telling you is from my personal research and experience. I didn't go to church to ask the pope or to call some monk from a buddhist temple! Smiley Smiley
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
November 25, 2015, 07:45:54 AM
This is no fun at all for me; I wish it were so!

If there were a salvation advantage in other so-called gospels, they would be in the Bible.
This is as good an example of begging the question and post-hoc reasoning as one could desire.

It also relies on the implicit claim that any adequate explanation of anything must be consistent with the current paradigm.

we, the Christians, are using our god-power to make the God of the Bible to be supreme God over all... that is, if He isn't already  Wink.
By surrendering your discernment to that Bible (any "Bible"), you are discarding God's gift of reason.
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1016
November 25, 2015, 07:20:56 AM
It's kinda fun, isn't it?... picking on each other.

1aguar isn't picking on you, he's simply trying to educate you.
It's very clear beyond all reasonably doubt that you need it. Painfully obvious in fact.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 25, 2015, 05:43:24 AM
If there were a salvation advantage in other so-called gospels, they would be in the Bible.

I do not wish to surrender my discernment to any one set of texts, that is totally irrational.
I would FAR rather READ IT ALL and judge in wisdom of knowledge. That is called "using God's gift of reason".

According to YOU, ANYTHING could be in the Bible and it is still valid, even if it is a LIE added by man.

You are using fallacious thinking known as post-hoc reasoning. You have faith in something (i.e. that the Bible is inerrant) and it clouds your reasoning, so you make false claims/arguments without first seeing if the premises are correct (they are not).

You do not examine the possibility that the true cause of those books being in the Bible is that the Church of Rome wanted them in there. Satan is not MY buddy because I RECOGNIZE that these books are promoted by the adversary. Do you?

It's kinda fun, isn't it?... picking on each other.

As I said before, since the Bible says that we are gods to whom the Word of God comes, and you expressed at some point that the PJs express similar (without the "to whom the Word of God comes" part), we, the Christians, are using our god-power to make the God of the Bible to be supreme God over all... that is, if He isn't already  Wink.

Read it and weep. You'll never catch up.

full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
November 25, 2015, 05:19:19 AM
If there were a salvation advantage in other so-called gospels, they would be in the Bible.

I do not wish to surrender my discernment to any one set of texts, that is totally irrational.
I would FAR rather READ IT ALL and judge in wisdom of knowledge. That is called "using God's gift of reason".

According to YOU, ANYTHING could be in the Bible and it is still valid, even if it is a LIE added by man.

You are using fallacious thinking known as post-hoc reasoning. You have faith in something (i.e. that the Bible is inerrant) and it clouds your reasoning, so you make false claims/arguments without first seeing if the premises are correct (they are not).

You do not examine the possibility that the true cause of those books being in the Bible is that the Church of Rome wanted them in there. Satan is not MY buddy because I RECOGNIZE that these books are promoted by the adversary. Do you?
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 25, 2015, 04:59:44 AM
Neither of us knows everything. So, what are we really discussing?
Hi BADecker,
We were discussing how you are so narrow that you make every effort not to read any more than the 4 gospels that the Church of Rome approved for your indoctrination. That is the only reason that you believe in the so-called "Jesus salvation"--you are indoctrinated!

If it bothers you so much, maybe you should check out and see if what you believe in your religion, be it atheism or anything else, is correct. If it isn't, maybe you should find out what is correct.
Good advice. I suggest that you do some reading; perhaps start with Phoenix Journal #2, it is a valid gospel.

There are hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of books. Because of this, I don't have time to read them all. Besides, I wouldn't want to.

Somebody called those other so-called gospels, "gospels." This doesn't mean that they are. I don't need them. John in the Bible tells us that the books in the Bible are written that we might be saved. If there were a salvation advantage in other so-called gospels, they would be in the Bible. The fact that they are not in the Bible, shows that there is probably disadvantage in them regarding salvation. At best, they are not needed.

You have shown by the things that you have spoken about the Phoenix Journals, that the PJs are a false religion. Thanks for explaining this to all of us. (Remember? I almost had to drag your simple explanation out of you. You wanted us to read all that garbage just to find out that it was garbage. Thanks for this.) Because of it, we don't need the PJs. Certainly you are welcome to consider them your religion or whatever you want to call it.

full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
November 25, 2015, 04:11:36 AM
Neither of us knows everything. So, what are we really discussing?
Hi BADecker,
We were discussing how you are so narrow that you make every effort not to read any more than the 4 gospels that the Church of Rome approved for your indoctrination. That is the only reason that you believe in the so-called "Jesus salvation"--you are indoctrinated!

If it bothers you so much, maybe you should check out and see if what you believe in your religion, be it atheism or anything else, is correct. If it isn't, maybe you should find out what is correct.
Good advice. I suggest that you do some reading; perhaps start with Phoenix Journal #2, it is a valid gospel.
sr. member
Activity: 300
Merit: 250
November 24, 2015, 08:13:37 PM
It is clear that there is no scientific proof yet, but I think it will come someday, maybe in 1000 years.
Activity: 2156
Merit: 1393
You lead and I'll watch you walk away.
November 24, 2015, 07:59:36 PM
God gave me ringworm for my sins.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 24, 2015, 12:48:15 PM
no he doesnt exist for many and yes he does for many,better we dont discuss of someone who mad eus.

But God exists for Himself, as science has proven.

full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
November 24, 2015, 11:58:47 AM
no he doesnt exist for many and yes he does for many,better we dont discuss of someone who mad eus.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 24, 2015, 11:16:34 AM
Listen at the end of the day you can belive whatever you want but don't force it on the rest of us if it's not regulated by the government or the laws that we are actually using in real life.

You are forced into my religion. I force it on you. Here's how I do it: force, force, force, force, force, force, force, force, force, force, force, force, force, force, force, force, force, force, force, force.

Got it? You are now forced. Don't you feel better now?

If it bothers you so much, maybe you should check out and see if what you believe in your religion, be it atheism or anything else, is correct. If it isn't, maybe you should find out what is correct.

hero member
Activity: 1064
Merit: 505
November 24, 2015, 10:35:11 AM
Listen at the end of the day you can belive whatever you want but don't force it on the rest of us if it's not regulated by the government or the laws that we are actually using in real life.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 24, 2015, 09:40:43 AM

Now I am sure that you never read the whole Bible and also you don't know anything about Yoga...

Because if you do, you will know that the Bible is one of the biggest books in the world where you can find anything you need like books of Law, History, Wisdom, Prophets, History of the Christ, Acts of Apostles and The Revelation.

Now, I must remind you a few things that you forgot in our discussion. The evidences from where the Bible originated are found in ancient Mesopotamia, where actually the whole things have happened. And according to new research that period is now dating for 10 to 14.000 years b.c.e. Christ was born in the New Era and Yoga was show for the first time in 1000 years before Christ. The founder of Yoga is Patanjali!

So tell me know, how can YOGA be much older then the Bible when the facts and the stories are talking about period long before there was a life on EARTH!?

Another thing that is mentioned in Yoga and Christ do the same thing is: I am the LIGHT! So, actually Christ before came to Earth has visited the Vedas and ask them about what is the LIGHT!? Smiley

Mate, instead of giving me no sense things, why don't try to think in terms of energy and try to understand what Christ and the Apostles where talking about it?.. I hope now that you realize in what I believe... Smiley

And one more thing. You mention the word religion, so please give me your definition about what is religion and what is spirituality?

Hi! We are having an interesting discussion here. I wonder what it is all about. I agree with much of what you say. Neither of us knows everything. So, what are we really discussing?

I am saying that God is His own "person," just like we are our own person... only more so.

I am I. I think my thoughts. I feel the things that I feel. Nobody else is me. Nobody else feels what I feel. Some people may empathize with me if they see my condition. A few sensitive people may feel my vibes even though they don't know me. But they are not me. I am me.

The same goes for you. The same goes for God, except that He may be more Himself than we are we, and, He knows all about everything. He does more than empathize with us, though we don't realize it very easily.

Is this what we are discussing? Are you saying that God is simply unfeeling energy? What are we really talking about here?

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
November 24, 2015, 09:04:43 AM

Play with Yoga all you want. Learn all the knowledge of the secrets of the universe that you can find. But in you learning, remember to rely on the things of the Bible, or you will lose everything.

Mate, I have a question for you... Did you read and analyze the whole Bible?

Because, if you did it I am sure that you will not wrote this things about Yoga. Everything that is mentioned in the Yoga you can find in the Bible. In the New Testament, when Christ rose from the dead he send the apostles in the different area of the world to spread The Holy Scripture. Do you know which apostle was send in India?

How many chakras are in the body? How many commandments there are? How many apostles are? The answer of the three question is 12! Everything that is is mention in the Bible is always connected with the number 12! Do you think that there isn't some logic here? Smiley

I am sure that any person who will first read about the Yoga and then start to read the Bible (New Testament) will understand the acts of the apostles.

Again, the Bible is NOT basically meant to be a history book. Nor is meant to be a book of things like Yoga.

Simply because the Bible has laws it, doesn't mean that some of these laws cannot be found in places like Yoga. Good laws and understandings are found all over the world, in all kinds of writings, and in all kinds of societies.

The point of the Bible is that God made all the laws, and set them in peoples' hearts, and then re-gave the best of them through Moses because people were forgetting them. The whole idea behind doing this was to prepare the setting for the Savior, Jesus Christ.

In other words, the laws for living can be found in many places. But the law for eternal life can only be found from one source, the Bible. You, yourself, said above that Jesus sent apostles to India. Why not honor the Bible, the only source that tells about Jesus Christ, the only salvation, even though there have been many books written about Him.

Yoga and its writings have been around a long time. Yoga existed long before Jesus came... even before the time of Moses. Yet it never had any exact information about Jesus. The best it had was some symbolism about how there might come a time of salvation. If there are writings in Yoga that have incorporated Jesus into Yoga, written at a time following the time of Jesus, great. Now, get into the Bible and find the details.

Laws and wisdom of earth and science - like how many Chakras are in the body - don't have anything to do with salvation. They exist with or without salvation. Jesus is the only way of salvation. In fact, one of the old meanings of the word, "Nicolaitans," in the Revelation is, the people who combine Christianity with Eastern religions. People who practice Yoga regularly, have essentially turned it into an eastern religion.

Keep Yoga separate from Christianity, because it IS separate from Christianity. Yoga teaches good living in this life. Christianity teach the only way to everlasting life, through Jesus.


Now I am sure that you never read the whole Bible and also you don't know anything about Yoga...

Because if you do, you will know that the Bible is one of the biggest books in the world where you can find anything you need like books of Law, History, Wisdom, Prophets, History of the Christ, Acts of Apostles and The Revelation.

Now, I must remind you a few things that you forgot in our discussion. The evidences from where the Bible originated are found in ancient Mesopotamia, where actually the whole things have happened. And according to new research that period is now dating for 10 to 14.000 years b.c.e. Christ was born in the New Era and Yoga was show for the first time in 1000 years before Christ. The founder of Yoga is Patanjali!

So tell me know, how can YOGA be much older then the Bible when the facts and the stories are talking about period long before there was a life on EARTH!?

Another thing that is mentioned in Yoga and Christ do the same thing is: I am the LIGHT! So, actually Christ before came to Earth has visited the Vedas and ask them about what is the LIGHT!? Smiley

Mate, instead of giving me no sense things, why don't try to think in terms of energy and try to understand what Christ and the Apostles where talking about it?.. I hope now that you realize in what I believe... Smiley

And one more thing. You mention the word religion, so please give me your definition about what is religion and what is spirituality?
Activity: 2156
Merit: 1393
You lead and I'll watch you walk away.
November 23, 2015, 06:28:26 PM

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