(Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT) If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.
What kind of lunatic would make a rape victim marry her attacker? Answer: God.
The idea is protection of the child and the parents at the same time. Some other opetions:
1. You could execute all three;
2. You could execute the mother and fetus and punish the guy;
3. You could let the state or the parents raise the child, and execute the guy.
There isn't any happy solution. The idea is that the kid gets as normal of a life as possible. That's with two parents. Besides, these things were somewhat the way things were done in those days, all over the place, not simply at God's command.
However, these days, when Stockholm Syndrome sets in, some rape victims marry their attacker voluntarily.
Vod, you're kinda talking nonsense.