Concern proving evident within your post are those of beast and man and, therefore, are hailed of nothing exceeding them.
Or as Solomon said, "Everything is meaningless."
After all, we die, and we haven't seen anyone come back to real life without re-dying sometime in the near future after he became alive again. The exception, of course, is Jesus, who arose from the dead within the 3 days after death, and then, 40 days later, ascended into Heaven, alive.
So, what is the benefit of writing anything or doing anything in life? We lose it all anyway, at death, right?
But death matters because death is not the end and if the Bible is true (and I believe it to be based on many things proving it to be so) the end result of not seriously considering the consequences of death could be eternal torture. In reality I believe that nothing matters more than considering our eternal souls.
At least when we are tortured on earth we have an escape: death. Depending on the extent of the torture death could actually be welcomed. However, we are warned that in hell there will be no such escape. I would think that kind of "torture" is much more significant. To wish to die but not be able to? To be chained in darkness with no escape ever? When I think of death or even persecution the thing that comes to mind is this verse: "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell."
(P.s., your faltering in doing so reveals your "dust.")