My last job was warden for city of edinburgh council in the temp accomodation for the homeless.. laid off on 7th jan, never claimed benefit's for over 7 months, as I thought, ok, lets see how far I get using NO money.
Did god provide food? No, because laws prevent planting it. So he could not feed me. I sold a plethora of nice synths to survive. Eventually I ran out of things to sell. Did god feed me? No. I haggled and bargained to the point folks got fed up with me including family and close friends.. where was your god when I ended up almost starving to death?
Where was Jesus?
In the end, I had to get off my fuckin arse and get my shit together. Cause I knew god, even if he could, could NOT help due to the laws in place.
It is easy to get disappointed in God when things don't go the way we want them to. But it isn't like God is our giant Santa Claus in the sky. He doesn't promise us a life of no pain or suffering. He promises to walk with us through it, if we allow Him and ask Him to. Also, as a Christian, I am called to be like Christ. What did Jesus go through? He went through hunger, homelessness, rejection, persecution and even death on a cross. Who am I to say that God has to give me anything? If all Jesus ever does for me is forgive my sins and give me the hope of heaven, then that is enough and I will be forever grateful. However, every good and perfect gift does come from the hand of God and He has been very good to me even in this physical life I am living now. (not that I haven't had suffering by any means! We all suffer. We are living in a fallen world with pain, sickness, death, etc. all around us)
What gives you the right to even think, let alone claim I was dissapointed? I already knew God would not help, I knew no-one else would either, just like the christian churches, so much space, gold etc, but so many people going homeless, whilst they fat cunts in rome got you ass kissin so they can get fatter.. Yeah, god prefers you over a homeless person.. sez it all..
I assumed you were disappointed because you said, "Where was your God when I ended up almost starving to death?" That sounded like you were disappointed.
You are right. The church should be there for you. We are supposed to be the hands of Jesus. He even says, "Whatever you have done for the least of these you have done for me." So if there was some people that were supposed to help you in the "church" and they did not, they will be held accountable for that someday. Just because someone is in a church does not mean that they are living the way that they should.
Question, when you were homeless, did you pray? Did you sincerely ask God to help, or did you just shake your fist in the sky and say, "God I hate you for allowing me to go through this!? There is a difference. God gives grace to the humble. He comes to those that ask. We need to ask though. God will never push Himself on us. He waits for us to approach Him.
I was'nt actually homeless, Though I have been as a teen, but here's a story you'll love, because like I say, I cant choose sides..
Decides to visiit a friend in the country, 44 mile bike run, 13 miles of that is uphill over soutra hill here in scotland.. a third of the way there, get's a puncture.. having forgot my puncture kit, i'm pushing my bike to my mates with a 5-6 hour walk ahead of me.. gets to the last bend before the start of the hill, starts to rain.. I looks up at the sky, and curse, 'what next ya dick?' - another puncture in the front tyre.. aaargh.. remind me not to do that agin I thought.. eventually gets to the foot of the 13 mile uphill hike, mega rain..
Some grafter in a van says, where ya goin dude? Lauder.. jump in
Well, maybe if you hadn't called God a "dick" the van He sent would have come sooner?
Nah, the timing was perfect, I love the rain and the outdours, but it's fuckin embarassin pushin a 3 grand mountain bike
Edit: But it did teach me someone was listening
Next time instead of shouting at God and being angry when difficulties come (which they will come) just pray and ask for His help and see what happens then.
I'm more likely to call him a dick again knowing I'll at least get his attention that way lol..
Edit: Insult, confirm, be humble.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. I would be cautious if I were you, it is not a wise thing to insult God. Although God is merciful and patient, He does have a limit and I wouldn't want to test Him.
He put me on this earth to test EVERYONE and EVERYTHING.. and in my current opinion, right now, I'd rather humanity was wiped out just so every other life form can be saved. After all, if there is another 'coming', then why not?