It's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a brainwashed person to understand there are no gods.
You forget the rest of it. Jesus said, but nothing is impossible for God. By the time you get through the eye of the needle and see that God is there, you will already be in the judgment, and there will be no chance to change your mind and believe. Why not? Here's why not.
You can only believe in things that you are not sure of. When you are sure of something that you know, you don't believe it any longer. You are beyond that... beyond simply having to believe it. You KNOW it.
Once you are in the judgment, you will KNOW that God exists. Yet you can only be saved by faith = believing. You won't have any chance to believe any longer. You will NOT be saved if you haven't believed BEFORE you get to the judgment, because in the judgment you will KNOW God exists.
If nothing is impossible for god, why is it that he can't forgive you for not believing? Many people claim that god is a jealous god - would you want someone filled with jealousy determining your life's path and fate?
Oh come on! Do you just want to hear someone talk? Or what?
It's not impossible for God to make something impossible for Himself, and also make it possible. You are forgiven for as long as you live... forgiven for EVERYTHING. It's once you die that you have locked yourself out of forgiveness, if you have. God has given each of us some of Himself. So, who is He going to deny when you will not accept Him? You or Himself?
He is jealous for and on behalf of righteousness, for honor, for the law of love, for those who trust in Him, and for truth. How long does He have to put up with a bunch of God-haters who prove that they are such by attempting to deny Him His rightful place of honor He holds as Creator and Owner of all things?
May I ask you this next question, please?
If someone has MPD, say, and one of their personalities thought that it was god, himself, would he be forgiven after death?
If god wants everyone to believe in their beliefs, why is it that we all can't get into this 'Heaven'? Were in the scripture is the usage of 'God-haters'? I'm Agnostic - does that make me a 'God-hater'?
Your argument sounds completely one-sided. You're not taking in the other non-religions, that also seemed doomed to your Hell. Freethinkers, Humanists, Apatheists, et cetera. Not to mention - will Muslims get into Heaven, too, or Jews? In which they believe in the same Allah/god as you? Hmm? How about the other branches of Christianity, which are in common feuds in one another and don't have the exact same beliefs? Huh? Will they too find salvation?
What about the murderous and treacherous ones? You make it seem as if the ultimate 'sin' is believing in your own beliefs. If you follow god's path, why is it that you call anyone who doesn't have your beliefs a 'God-hater' when so obviously your belief that god exists condemns my beliefs?
You don't seem that open-minded to me. To be honest, I don't hate Christians at all, or Muslims, or Jews, or any religion that doesn't aim to hurt other's beliefs. Your pale arguments are clearly why some feel the need to sway away from your beliefs.