Hes talking about the complexity fallacy:
Fallacy 1: The World Needs God As Creator Fallacy
A traditional and still popular notion is that the world is so complex that it needed God to create it. Our origins fascinated even ancient societies and various myths described creation. Monotheists started from ancient times to claim God was necessary as the Creator. This has continued through Thomas Aquinas and William Paley even to Antony Flew who eventually converted to theism because he came to see a need for a creator God as designer of our world.
However the notion that a sophisticated world needs God as its Creator and designer is logically fallacious in two major ways.
Even the most famous design argument and analogy, that of William Paley (1743-1805) who wrote just as a sophisticated watch (unlike a rock) implies a watchmaker, a complex world implies a Creator who is God, has this fallacy. Suppose, as Paley did, that a watch implies a watchmaker, that watchmaker is not God and is not immortal. Likewise even supposing the world has a Creator, that Creator need be neither God nor even immortal. Furthermore, unlike in Paley’s day we are aware not just of evolutionary processes but also of robotic manufacture and artificial computer-like intelligences. Yes, there is a mystery concerning our ultimate genesis, but God is not needed as the solution.
The other fallacy is if one claims the world required a more sophisticated being, God, to create it, one is attempting to solve a problem by creating a yet greater problem. If we are in need of a creator God who is more powerful and greater than us to bring us into existence, that greater God being more wondrous than us would be even more in need than us of some Creator to create and explain it! Indeed as, unlike us, God would be immortally God, it could not develop nor evolve to its present glory over time but must be from the very beginning omnipotent and omniscient – an extraordinary phenomenon, far more inexplicable than even us. Far from solving or explaining the problem of our ultimate origin, the concept of God is actually massively enhancing the problem.
So the notion that God is needed to or even can satisfactorily explain existence as we see it is logically fallacious.