Guys/Gals, can we please please stop getting carried away with this shadow and cryptonote... Shadow is not based on cryptonote and does not function like cryptonote!
Sorry, but you are incorrect. It is using the exact same techniques of one time ring signatures (intractability) and stealth addresses (unlinkability). The code may be brand new but the cryptography techniques and math behind the one time ring signatures are the same (which include the zero knowledge proof) and were invented by cryptonote.
I could go and rewrite the code to do this stuff yet again (in fact I have done so for my own experimental purposes) but I wouldn't claim it to be anything other than a reimplementation of cryptonote. Someone else on the Monero project did it in python, and called it mininero.
If anyone is claiming otherwise they are either confused or trying to scam you (I don't suggest the latter necessarily, just pointing out the possibilities).
Firstly, my post on this thread was to clear the confusion amongst those who do not fully understand ShadowSend i.e. "ShadowCash a CryptoNote based currency" etc.. It is quite obvious this is coming from this thread and all the talk of CryptoNote and Shadow
Secondly, I am sorry but you are wrong. I very carefully choose my words and repeat ...
Guys/Gals, can we please please stop getting carried away with this shadow and cryptonote... Shadow is not based on cryptonote and does not function like cryptonote!
So lets address my two points
1. Shadow is not based on CryptoNote
Shadow is as much based on CryptoNote as CryptoNote is based on Bitcoin by your analogy. Surely because CryptoNote has a blockchain and uses PoW the CrytoNote developers based their entire technology on Bitcoin? That sounds as absurd as your statement saying Shadow is based on CryptoNote.
Yes there has been inspiration, just like the CrytoNote developers where inspired by Satoshis work; However Shadow is *NOT* based on CryptoNote. If it was (and I am sure it would have been much easier for the team) they would have just called this "ShadowSend a CryotoNote implementation on Bitcoin codebase".
There is in total 9 white papers referenced in the ShadowSend whitepaper. Today ring sigs are used and tomorrow it will be something entirely different as technology matures.
2. Shadow does not function like CrytoNote
This is the easiest to address, just because ShadowSend uses Stealth Addresses + Ring Sigs does not mean it functions like CryptoNote ...
For starters in Shadow you can move from SDC to SDT which uses a technique of minting similar to ZeroCoin. Shadow keyimages are reusable whereas in CryptoNote they are one-time if I recall correctly. The list is endless of how Shadow differs from CryptoNote.
ShadowSend is a unique implementation and should and will hold its own against the likes of CrytoNote/ZeroCash etc.
Lastly and most importantly coming back to the reason I originally posted; I really could care less about you did this first and you copied my style of x ... What is important to me is that those that are reading this thread over the past several dozen pages are getting confused with all this referencing of CryptoNote and Shadow hence why we are seeing confusing and misleading (I am not pointing fingers) statements.
All I am asking for is lets keep this sensible until we have clear hard facts and those far more intelligent that I have reviewed the full implementation. I know the team are working on some material to help understand this better.
Lastly Lastly, we are all here for the same purpose (I hope) .. lets support one another!
P.S. I am on the road so mind any typos/grammar!
P.S. This is my opinion and not that of the brains behind ShadowSend and I am sure they will chime their two shadowshi's worth.