Recently I have had numerous reunions with Uncles from my extended family. Some of them are successful businessmen for decades. They built their business from nothing and are living quite a comfortable life now. We had long conversations about life in general, includin....They've set very good examples to me, including my father, and now I tend to focus more on work itself consistently and let luck or fate takes the rest.
you started a quite interesting topic about luck, in my perspective, we tend to think that way. For example, if i take my example, back in 2020 i was struggling to take admission in university as i had not have financial support from my parents back then so i was on my own, well one of my relatives talked to me and convinced me to carry on my studies and he was ready to pay for me. Well, i started and then i went for a job interview in my first semester. Now where was the twist was, i wanted to do BS in Software Engineering, And i wanted to do it in a good university. But my luck took me to an average university to study in BS Computer Science. Well, i was like ok, let's flow with it as i had no other choice other than working.
So, in the first semester, during the interview i got two options, to work or to delay my studies, so i thought too much and chose studies over work even in the bad financial situation then i made a friend in uni and he helped me a lot in skills and making money online and boom, from then i am earning more than that job which i dropped in 2020. And i think luck was everything.
And at some point, you do realize that what if i rejected my uncle's offer, what if i stick to my plan of doing BSSE in a good university, What if i accepted that job offer (where there was no room to grow). Life is full of What if possibilities, and you chose only one, and it's up to us to choose the right way, and when you adopt the best honest policy door to success will open from sources that you can't even imagine.
So, i think you are wrong, our efforts determine our luck and even if we can't achieve success after efforts, we should pray to Allah and ask him to change luck because prayer can change luck.