New "update" from Sam on the KnC forums. Notice how he mentions components but not chip production status
Hi guys,
We are still on track, The millions of individual components needed to produce our miners are all arriving at the factory as schedualed and as of right now we do not know of anything that will cause a delay.
oh give me a break, to an engineer chips are components. synonym.
(edit: posted before reading the message above)
I think Sam's point is that there's maybe a little too much focus on the chips. A shortage of Voltage regulators or any other device could bring production to the same halt, and there's no reason to believe that ANY of the diodes, resistors, caps, coils, connectors, fans, cables, cases, fasteners, etc. are not going to meet at the meticulously planned but 'secret to a fault' time and place.... Or, maybe he's just setting us up for a year long string of two week delays.