2. You are forgetting - RESALE. People are still eagerly buying 333Mh/s usb miners on ebay today. There will still be a market for a 400GH/s miner in 12 or 15 months, so the warranty should extend that far too.
Please don't order from KnC if their 1 Year warranty is an issue to you.
Order from BFL, they have a lifetime warranty!
Also as far as I'm aware resale often negates warranties. Certainly does with Sony.
Why? Most manufacturers rarely give you more than a year unless they are forced to. Fact is US won't be dropping a bomb on China, and if it does, you'll have a hell of a lot more to fear than hashrate.
"add an extra 1 year warranty for only $3000!" option.
Ooh ooh, a slight on knc. Dive in and save them bitcoinorama!
Ok, I've realised you're just here to troll now. This is a pointless waste of time.
This is how things are, i.e. this is fact (which people read)
but do your own research (which people ignore, because they are lazy)
So they are left believing the first statement as fact/truth.
I'm pointing that out to you so you can realise, if you don't, that that is what you do.
You have a massive influence over the direction of everything discussed in this thread or any other thread related to knc. You seem to pop up in all of them.
All my questions about components, warranty etc are valid. And you jump all over them, try to dismiss them. You like to dissipate them with no facts, e.g. "Fact is US won't be dropping a bomb on China, and if it does, you'll have a hell of a lot more to fear than hashrate." Like most of the things you say, you don't know whether that will or won't happen. But you like to confidently assert you know all the facts, like YOU know the truth for sure.
On "will America drop a bomb on China" (aka doing a bitcoinorama)
Factual assertion: It definitely won't happen.
Disclaimer: Do your own research, read up news media in your own country. Don't take my word for it
Spurious link: http://thediplomat.com/flashpoints-blog/2013/07/12/why-china-and-the-us-probably-wont-go-to-war/
(Spurious link attempts to prove the factual assertion, wiping away the disclaimer. So reader walks away thinking the factual assertion is fact).
What? You proposed the hypothetical bombing, not I. How could I take that as a genuine concern?
Your questions have some validity, I don't deny that. I tried to reason before it boarded on unlikely scenarios.
Seriously, the fastest and most reasonable solution is just to email the guys and then relay their explanation(s) to us all, otherwise we may as well chase tails, as we can only assume why they made particular choices, i'm sure none of which, is as sinister as has been suggested. From my experience and that of others they've welcomed feedback, although it's prob too late to change case design now, but I really see no issue with it. I can't see data-centres rejecting it, as it's been designed fit for that purpose. It's is clearly a workhorse to be made to effectively mine and be produced to possess in the briefest possible time period. It's life cycle, if we're all honest with eachother here is unlikely to last beyond 12 months before everyone will have moved to a latter generation. If people wish to buy a second hand unit, fine, but they will require access to v.cheap electricity for any of the current unit, or those to be realised over the next 4 months units to remain plugged in this time next year. Regardless of BTC price the hashrate will undoubtedly grow to fit a minimal profit/elec cost margin.