ok, 2 weeks till september, do we have any evidence that KNC has working chip?
can they show us photos of ordered boards, cases etc ?
from working chip to shipping ready product timeline is longer that 6 weeks... much longer or maybe i am wrong ? (bfl case)
what i can see is no evidence - instead they are asking for much more money...
hosting offer, upgrade offer, partner program, november update
it sounds very scammy at least.
All good points.. I will Email them your Post tonight when I get home and post what they reply back..
I know they are on here and read this Thread and wish they would reply directly to your points but they probably wont..
One thing I thought about is the Upgrade Ends this Friday(Earlier then they first indicated as they said end of Aug)..
I wonder and hope they moved it up to this Friday as they are ahead of schedule and thus need the Info now instead of end of Aug..
But I too find it odd that they cant(wont) Post more proof with Pics and such.. I mean I could understand it 4 weeks ago but now if they are realy this close it dont seem that it would give the competitive Edge to Other ASCI makers at this pint an d I think they shoudl release a ton of Pics If I was them,.
2 weeks till Sept?
, ....not quite 19 Days from the West, 18 from the East False comment #1
"instead they are asking for much more money"
What? Another False statement... They just stated that as soon as the October delivery slots are filled, the Price is going to DROP. False comment # 2
"I wonder and hope they moved it up to this Friday as they are ahead of schedule and thus need the Info now instead of end of Aug.."
It IS and has been this Friday since the announcement.
"thus need the Info now instead of end of Aug.."
HUH? Explain that one.
More FUD.
This is getting ridiculous. Then a user "Agrees" with the bad info.... It's Infectious.