If someone kills someone then the justice for that crime would be death. If someone else then came along and offered to stand in for the crime then justice would be served.
Do you actually believe this? Let's say your next door neighbor killed you mom or your child. Would you be ok with someone else taking the death penalty for him, while your neighbor continued to live right next to you, "exhonorated" from his deeds?
This "scapegoating" phenomenon that came out of that time never really made sense to me.
I get that. Would someone dying because they murdered solve the problem? Then two people are dead. But if there was no penalty for crimes then people would just continue to murder so there needs to be some payment for it.
Then the question bbecomes, how is someone else duying in his stead a "penalty" for the murderer? And doesn't that make everyone who kills the person in the murdered's stead murderers themselves? They would be killing an innocent person, regardless if it was as a pennance for someone else's sin/crime.
Are you of the notion that there should be no price paid for crimes committed?
Of course not. I'm of the notion that whoever dealt it, smelt i.. I mean should take the blame and responsibility for it. That's the only fair way of handling it, and the only real way of preventing them from doing it again. Can you imagine if others can be "sacraficed" to attone for a murdere's sin? If I was a murderer with the intent to kill, that would mean I could be TWICE as productive, simply by killing one person and having another one killed for me every time!
I would think a true atheist view point would be a "survival of the fittest" mentality so morality is more of a cultural thing and the consequences are a result of what society says should be the penalty for crime instead of a moral code that goes above what the society says is "right and wrong."
Actually, if you're thinking "biology" and "evolution," it's more of a survival of the species, not of the individuals. Survival of the fittest doesn't work if it's just within the species itself. You'd end up with barely anyone left to reproduce. So atheists fully recognize that we as humans survive as a social species, with social responsibilities and such. That whole golden rule thing still applies. But since we can't rely on god's word as absolute, we have to figure out what is moral from our own more logical perspective. That's where weird things like Non-Aggression Principle, Gay rights, and Women's rights comes from (despite society and religion often fighting very hard against it because of their scripture)