Just need to interject to point out that unconditional love is not actually love, and is meaningless. When you love someone regardless, that's not really love, that's just you not caring about what they do.
This is not true. Fly. Do something impossible. Why can't you? Negative energy, doubt, it resides on earth, it resides in you. In a world of unconditional love, you could fly, you could do anything at whim. I've done it, I've seen it, I know it's true.
So, what you're saying is, the act of loving, caring, and taking care of someone, even at expense to yourself, is maifested in breaking physics and levitating? To love is to be able to fly? I'm going to take a really crazy guess here: you're single, right?
Universal truth - everything just is. You can describe it from the left perspective or the right, but what your describing still just is.
That is the most worthless, useless, and lazy conclusion in the world, ever, and is no better than the answer "God did it." Lazy stupid idiots say "It is what it is" or "God did it" and end it at that. People who actually like to use their heads don't stop at what it is, they ask WHY it is.
Yes, but when are you going to stop asking why and start affirming some beliefs?
To take the middle ground, I think it's important to recognize both perspectives.
Is there "arbitrary phenomena"? Yes. What happens when people study isolated, arbitrary phenomena? You get arguments for and arguments against some position.
Is there some absolute truth that supersedes arbitrary phenomena? Yes.
Is there something we can lean from this? Yes. Definitely. And it can lend itself to utility.
Personally, I treat arbitrary phenomena practically. I use inference as anyone else to make decisions on the fly and to navigate the world.
But when I get home, I reflect upon everything. In recognizing isolated phenomena as arbitrary, it simply makes it easier to go with the flow of things, to enjoy the uncertainty and unpredictability in life, and to remember that if I'm having a shitty day, it was only due to some arbitrary phenomena that has come and gone, or will go. But, I also remember that there is an absolute truth that is anything but arbitrary, and this is where I build my foundation. If I build my foundation upon conditional phenomena, then that foundation is going to be weak because it too will be conditional. If I build my foundation upon absolute truth, then I will be stronger, tougher, and more capable of dealing with the bullshit that comes and goes in life.
There is benefit in recognizing that, as dank said, things just "are" is that, if you recognize this enough, you will become much more relaxed and comfortable and satisfied with life.
Ever sit in a room without a friend or family member to talk to? Without radio, without tv, without the Internet, without a book, without food or water...without any distraction at all. What happens? Well, you probably start to get fidgety and bored and you wish you had some distraction nearby to remove the monotony.
But...wtf? Why is virtually every person a walking ADD case without distractions? Why can't the vast majority of people just be with themselves and be content with that?
Well, if your focus is on arbitrary, conditional phenomena and you think that's all reality has to offer, then it makes sense that you would seek comfort through distraction.
On the other hand, if you shift your focus to the ever-present 'being' of existence, then you can become content and satisfied simply 'being'. The utility this provides is limitless.