Thanks Mopar. I will be filing a police report against your business in Florida this week, for receiving stolen funds. Funds stolen from me.
> you blame, you cry, you make shit up
You directly received funds from a scam that I was victim to. It's pretty simple, that makes you a thief. I understand you are angry at being called a thief. Most thiefs hate being called out.
Isn't there a rule against profitting from scams on this site? How does MoparMiningLLC even still have an active account here???
Hey MoparMiningLLC why do you advertise Kano pool in your profile? I contacted them and they said they don't know you from Adam. Fuckin' scammer. I noticed you don't advertise ballet wallets anymore. I guess Bobby Lee didn't like you dragging his company name through scam accusation threads where you piss off the other victims and get accused of being an accomplice, huh?
Maybe you should advertise in your profile that you work with blackhat crypto-scammers, you search out their victims and try to work with the blackhats directly, not like through law enforcement, not the legal way. You show up in all the scam threads, like magic.
good I await them coming - because I did not receive funds that were stolen from you - I received partial funds for the coins I held - has nothing to do with you. What you are accusing me of, you also need to file reports on everyone who cashed out a Titan since your funds were "stolen".
@Kano knows who I am lol - He told you nothing because he does not know you from Adam. He is a good man - a bit quirky but a good man - one who contributed to the original CGMiner code. But he is also only the manager of the pool I mine to. However, he is not one who has met me in person - like dozens of others here have. I promote his pool be cause it is the best pplns mining pool out there.
LoL I removed all wallet links from my profile to list my own links - people changing signatures make them scammers? again you now accuse 99% of the forum members as being scammers if so.
As for Bobby (the person you called a Chinese spy) I get along fine with him and his company and I still sell their products.
Again, you show you dont know anything. So, are all the people selling/giving away ballet wallets also scammers? also Chinese spies? If so, you are again accusing the majority of people in the collectibles of being a scammer. I expect you to file a LOT of police reports. Should keep you busy for years.
You talk your shit but your claims are baseless with no actual facts - they are false scenarios.
Now until you file your phony police report filled with false data - Keep my name out of your mouth. And when nothing happens - either from you not actually filing a report (and please do post the report number so everyone can verify it) or because it is a lie and full of baseless accusations and gets tossed, then you need to permanently keep my name out of your mouth.
You attack everyone - even those that try to help you. You are a bitter old man that needs to shut off his pc and move on.