chemtrails: 'Owning the weather by 2025'...it's now 2016 FYI. There are a fair number of patents involving releasing material from aircraft to achieve environmental effects. That it does not yet ever happen is a stretch.
BTW, NOAA recently reported that commercial aircraft are 'accidentally' doing weather modification. Funny how it took them so long to figure that one out. They should have asked one of the rapidly growing pool of wacho's like me who would have pointed upward into the sky and suggested opening their eyes.
Confusing fantasy "chemtrails" with moisture vapor stratospheric trails is a big mistake. Making something out of nothing one might say...
What is the basis for your apparently rock solid belief that you know with certainty the chemical composition of the persistent and spreading trails which are common these days? If I might ask.
By the way, I poo-poo'd this 'conspiracy theory' myself, and with some forcefulness, until a few years ago. Mostly what got me looking around a bit was various oddities that I observed with my own eyes over my head. I got so interested by some of the stuff I saw that I actually started researched the right kind of camera to to the kinds of monitoring I would need to meet the level of rigor I thought I would wish to make meaningful observations. Before I finished figuring this out almost all of the oddities stopped and I have seen almost none since. This would have been in probably June of 2015. We now have the same kinds of cloud cover I remember as a kid, and the typical shitty winters that I remembered (2012/13 and 2013/14 being amazingly nice and dry.) It's actually a bit more wet than 'normal', but that is fairly easily explained by an el-nino this year. I'm in the Southern Pacific NW by the way.
Oh, once you've convinced me that you perform your own spectral analysis to verify that water vapor is now acting in new and interesting ways, you can start to convince me that, ya, the Air Force was interested in
'owning the weather by 2025' and a lot of people obtained
patents, but that project was dropped as uninteresting, not useful, unethical, non-profitable, etc.
Or you could try to convince me that the .mil site was defaced. Or that it is a funny joke by air force folks with a sense of humor. I would not rule out either of these, but they also do strike me as unlikely.