I don't know of any news sites that repressent all arabs as suspected terrorists.
Who put and use this fake termin "radical fundamentalism"?
In this mode any "muslim" is on the risk to be so dangerous person and at risk to be "suspected terrorist".
No it isn't.
In the western world we have a well known phenomena, Christian fundamentalism. We also have "radical Christian fudmanentalism." This is not complicated.
The same words and concepts certainly apply to other religions such as Islam.
There may have been some slight violence attached to Christian fundamentalism. People are people. When they have a difference of opinion, sometimes they duke it out with fists... or guns.
The difference for Islam is, violence is virtually required at times, by their religious writings.
Islamic fundamentalism is way more violent that Christian fundamentalism. Christian writings dictate peace... virtually all the time.
Well, I wouldn´t really classify the end of the world as "slight" violence. Christian fundamentals, at least the craziest of them, believe that Armageddon is a great thing because they and their followers will somehow end up as winners up in the clouds somewhere. When you have people like that in power or advising people in power who knows maybe they´re working on making that great idea happen. There was plenty of them around Bush, don´t know if Obama got rid of them. In any events there´s millions of them in the U.S. Which is a concern since it´s a nuclear power so their dream can come true.
Just let me know when our friendly Christian fundamentalists start beheading people, will you please?
Otherwise drop the lame attempt at moral equivalence, and write something that's wroth reading.
I guess truth hurts.
You voted for this guy, right?
President George W Bush told Palestinian ministers that God had told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq - and create a Palestinian State, a new BBC series reveals.
In Elusive Peace: Israel and the Arabs, a major three-part series on BBC TWO (at 9.00pm on Monday 10, Monday 17 and Monday 24 October), Abu Mazen, Palestinian Prime Minister, and Nabil Shaath, his Foreign Minister, describe their first meeting with President Bush in June 2003.
Nabil Shaath says: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, "George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan." And I did, and then God would tell me, "George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq ." And I did. And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, "Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East." And by God I'm gonna do it.'