This is an absolute shit thing to do, but not really specific to LGBT. A black person could spray-paint the n-word on their house and do the same thing.
At least they got found out and will get what they deserve, karma's a bitch
No, it is not specific to LGBT people, but unlike a black person, you can't really prove if some one is actually gay or not. This opens up abuse of the idea of protected classes on a whole other level. Literally anyone could make these claims for almost any reason. Try pretending to be black and see how that works out for you.
True, but it doesn't stop some that are not white from taking advantage of it. Although it does seem to be more common among the LGBT community, I'd guess this is because of the recent media coverage giving the ideas to those who would do this type of thing. think part of the reason it may be more common in the LGBT community is because of the Marxist roots of the socialized gender identity theory where they believe gender identity is 100% a result of societal conditioning. This kind of rational can make it a lot easier for people to justify these things in their minds because it promotes a unique sense of entitlement that results from the idea that all of society has stolen your true identity from you. As they are a smaller group compared to any racial minority group, pretty much anyone is a justifiable target based on that ideology.
For tumblrites? Possibly. For the everyday LGBT person, they just want to live their lives. There are bad apples in every population, but saying being LGBT gives you some messed up ideology is a pretty sweeping generalization.
For comparison, an estimated 2 to 8 percent of rape accusations are false. If we go off the lower number, There are 1875 false rape accusations per year. This means that there could be 118 false hate crimes and still fall within about the same area, up to 400+ if we use the larger estimate. These numbers fall well within the range of the FBI's hate crime statistics, which have 1260 LGBT-related hate crimes
Rape statisticsfalse accusationsedited for better sources instead of guesstimations
First of all, I have already made my point clear that most LGBT people would be perfectly happy to be tolerated and live their lives in peace without being harassed. Second of all, you made this conclusion first, I was simply expanding on it, now you are disagreeing with it calling it a generalization when it was not a generalization, but an observation of activities within the LGBT community. Please resist the urge to be so PC that you contradict yourself.
The activist groups within this community are the ones with the Marxist ties pushing this nonsense and teaching LGBT people that this kind of behavior is a form of justice, using the protected status of these people to push their Marxist ideologies in order to create more division and weaken society as a whole so it can be more easily displaced with Socialism an Marxist based ideals. In reality these activists groups don't give a damn about their struggles and are simply inhabiting that community and many others like a parasite.
Just again, I have to say. I totally believe this is happening. It happened in feminism too. As a woman, I still think feminism did way more harm then good. These sideline people are trying to direct things, and create friction where there need not be friction, because they want things to dissipate. In feminism, it led to women taking jobs and being separated from their families, so that children would be brought up to be alone, versus family members. I know my parents were divorced, and my mom had to work 2 jobs to take care of us, and though I loved spending time with her when we could, I ended up being way more independent.
As for transgenders, the message should have been tolerance from the beginning not acceptance. But whoever orchestrated that, knew that. The fact that some people think those words mean the same thing, is no mistake, IMHO.