Here are the official scorecards. There are 5 rounds where the judges did not have the same assessment while in another 5 rounds, they unanimously agreed to each other.
Here is the punch stats of this fight. Maybe it helps in assessing the fight. Based on the stats I had it 95-94 for Fury.
After watching the fight I just can't believe the Saudis spent around a hundred million dollars for such a boring fight. Boxing just lost some casual fans that night. If only they watched the low-budget title fight of DAZN at Cancun, Mexico on the same day they would've stayed. The 11th-round exchange between WBC super featherweight champion O'Shaquie Foster and Eduardo Hernandez might win the round of the year.
I wonder how one could interpret the statistics of the third round as 8-10? Isn't that 7 - 10? Moreover, if the judges had scored 7-10, then as a result of a split decision, the victory would have gone to Ngannou.
For the Saudis this is a normal result, it would be much worse if someone won by knockout in the first round. And what happened suited everyone - 10 rounds, a lot of advertising and all that.