UEFA has already made that decision.
UEFA has actually shown that they don’t care at all about fair play or the interests of all clubs but only that the competition ends at all cost.
I think we will have an irregular competition in which some clubs due to stricter rules in some countries about coronavirus will not even get a chance to play and may lose by lottery instead of on the field.
It's a huge scandal.
I understand you frustration but how would you handle the situation? Let's say a team has to go into quarantine for two weeks and can't attend the match? So would you simply reschedule the match to a date two weeks later? What about other competitions either one of the teams is attending that are planned at the new date? Like matches in the league or a national cup? What if after two weeks the other team suffers from a Covid19 outbreak and has to go into quarantine?
The calender for every club and the players is already so stuffed. If there are games that need to be moved, it can mess up the whole thing.
(My solution: Let the coaches play a BO3 FIFA match to decide
Sorry but I don't think you understand what the real problem is here. The problem is actually in the double standards of UEFA, because they obviously apply different rules and standards to big clubs compared to the rules they apply to small clubs.
So that I don’t have to repeat everything now, read my previous post to understand what the real problem is with this decision:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.55088896Do any of you seriously think that a situation can happen at all that a match of a big club like Real, Barcelona, Juve can't be played and the winner is decided by lottery?
Even if such an opportunity arose, UEFA would do anything to solve such a dangerous situation for them, to avoid losing big money and for the match to be played at any cost and anywhere.
Has everyone already forgotten how UEFA allowed Atletico to play the Champions League quarter-final match in Portugal?
On the other hand, for small clubs like these two clubs from Kosovo or a club from Slovakia, these rules don't apply and no one in UEFA cares about them and their fate.
UEFA will simply exclude small clubs from the competition or decide on the winner through a lottery, which is something they will never even try to practice with big clubs.
For me, this is a classic example of UEFA's double standards and hypocrisy.