The most importan claim he makes is that more than 90 percent of the bitcoin-prize is made of speculation. Even if he's wrong and it are 80 or 70 or 60 percent - this is more unnatural and insustaineble than fiat has been in its worst days.
I also think bitcoin is overvalued, but the guy seems a bit delusional. Probably sold at $65. Lol.
take your homework. If Falkvinge sold at 65 he made big wins. He's not a greedy guy but an ideologist. And what we are seeing at this time is a rising price while bitcoin stagnates resp. while those who are trying to make bitcoin work like its designed to work face some regulatory and technical problems which won't be surpassed soon.
Look at the amount of articles in the Press section of this website. There are REAL articles from known media websites and mags, this was NOT the case 6 months ago. 6 months ago Forbes was calling bitcoin a joke.
Now we are getting headlines like this:
The Federal Government's Reaction To Bitcoin Is An Acknowledgement Of The Dollar's Vulnerability -15000+ pageview
Follow The Bitcoins: How We Got Busted Buying Drugs On Silk Road's Black Market -50000 pageviews
Guess what every college student that wants to score some stuff will know exactly how to use SR by spring 2014... I already see it at the uni I am in... last year few used it... now I may have heard rumours of a handful of guys who take orders for others and themselves...