One of the foundations on which I stand is the recognition that we don't really know where this universe came from, and very little about how it works. Those who say that they know don't have any proof for what they say. The point is, there is no way that we can know, on our own, whether or not there will be a resurrection. Creation happened once without our understanding how. Why can't it happen again?
@BADecker A couple pages back you said "God" speaks to the hearts of people. In fact it's your very essential central Self that self-consciously reflect upon all-that-is, including, not only all of who you are, have been, and are becoming, but also all of who you are in relation to all-that-is-around-you as well (especially other human beings), that "speaks" - an echo of rational quintessential self-reflection, that is being (self-consciously) reflected upon by all that read this here in digital format, transmitted electronically, and imprinted into chemical memory.
@BADecker As to your quote above - I like you, using your imagination when you say
Why can't it happen again? An essentially imaginative question you are asking here. This is what we should be doing - asking questions and imagining realities, which continue to emerge, as we ourselves have emerged, not being there beforehand, to choose to be here or not, and not being there afterwards, to again, choosing to be there or not.