Science fact is fact.
Science theory may be fact, or it may be fiction. We just don't know.
Science fact should be taught as fact. Why would we teach fact as fiction?
Science theory should be taught as it is, unknown. Therefore we should treat it as fiction until we know that it is fact. Why would we teach the unknown as fact when it could just as easily be fiction?
Science should be taught to all who are interested in science. Why not? We teach all kinds of things. Why not science?
Now here is the part that you are attempting to mix up.
All I said (albeit in different words) was that we should be teaching science theory/fiction for what it is... fiction and unknown... not as science fact.
The thing that is happening is, theory is being taught as fact... if only by implication. It would be better to not teach theory at all than to teach it as fact.
There is not a whole lot clearer that this can be made. If you are going to misconstrue what I have said because you are playing with the language, and trying to trip me up somehow, that shows that you are a deceiver.
If you truly cannot understand the point of it from what I have said, you need to go back to school. My job isn't that of holding your hand and straightening our your mind on understanding things like this. However, if you pay me enough... in advance... Bitcoin...
Great but that was not really my question. I understood the distinction you made between science facts and science theory. Problem being I'm not sure I agree with it. Can you give an example of what you consider a science fact and what you consider a science theory?
And to think I wasted all that time on writing that whole thing.
I consider to be science theory, those things that the science papers say are science theory. Have you ever heard of the "Theory of Relativity?" Or the "Big Bang Theory?" It isn't my idea. It doesn't have anything to do with what I "consider a science fact and what" I "consider a science theory." the scientists themselves, being rather honest about their science occupation and calling, say it themselves.
Well then... We already teach them as theories. I don't see why you're saying we should teach them this way, it's already the case then no?
And by the way, I see what you mean but they're reaaaaaaaaaaaaally closed to being pure facts.
If a theory is not a fact, it cannot be close to being a fact, no matter how hard one tries to make it a fact. It will always be fiction.
Quantum is probability. Quantum this or that will always need something else to prove whether or not it is fact. Quantum is simply a "trick" that scientists use to help them clarify ideas.
That's why I wanted to go deeper, cause I was more or less sure you were confusing things
What's a fact?