So an atheist is bad for what? Because he/she wants to live a rational life, based on real things, rational things, on things that are part of the objective world, not dreams, and hopes in invisible beings that can do "everything", only that they don't, because they've given us free will.
If an atheist is bad, it isn't because of things he wants. It's because he won't step up out of the atheism mistake he is making.
Come on. Take your religion, go in the woods, and pray as much as you want - but don't do a show about it to the rest of the people that are not interested in it.
I wish atheists and scientists would do as you have suggested. If they did, they would get their atheism religion out of the schools, and they would treat their scientific theory as theory rather than truth.
For example. At, the NASA website, it says:
The hydrogen in your body, present in every molecule of water, came from the Big Bang.
Yet Big Bang is an unproven theory. In fact, even if it were proven to be possible (which it hasn't been), it still might not be proven to be the way everything came into existence. But look at what NASA says, "The hydrogen in your body, present in every molecule of water, came from the Big Bang," like it is fact, when it is simply theory.
What a crock of religion. Get those NASA people out into the woods away from us, so that we can live our lives in truth rather than fiction.