Some Atheists just don't believe in religion, but don't criticize others for believing, but then get tired of the believers who try to change them so much. I've seen that happen to a friend of mine multiple times.
that is the biggest problem with the pope's or other respected people in different religions .
they have no logical thinking nor much open mindedness but they try to fool others in all that bullshit ,they wont even care to listen your opinions which are against their principles.
Yes you are right.. Every type of person find in that world... Most of the atheist criticize others for believing which is totally wrong... Everyone has right to live his life by his own opinion.. opinion varies among people but this is not right you attack on someone's religion's or his believes...
ATHEIST criticize religion because its all make believe..
but lets face it your calling the kettle black here..
Islam is the worst religion for criticizing people for not believing in there religion..FACT..
So stop talking BULLSHIT..TALK SENSE.. all religion is for backward thinkers
And also your killing MUSLIM AGAINST MUSLIM
THIS IS HOW THICK YOU RELIGIOUS FREAKS believe in the same thing .
but just a little saying that is in the KORAN that you interpret different to other Muslims makes you want to kill each other
At least us ATHEIST will never do shit like this because we are not THICK DUMB ASSES