VOD DOES believe in God! He/she simply doesn't state that he/she believes in God.
How do we know that Vod believes in God? Because Vod doesn't have enough evidence to state truthfully that God doesn't exist. Since Vod makes statements that God DOESN'T exist, he/she is holding himself/herself up as God by claiming the authority to make such statements in the face of not having enough evidence to truthfully make such statements.
Therefore, according to Vod, Vod is God. Thus, God exists.
Now I understand why you think God exist.
What you addressed is a Man not a G-d.
Thank You.
Is the translation that bad? That's not what I said.
What I said is more like...
If you think that there is no God, in the face of nobody knowing for sure that there is no God, then you are setting yourself up as God above God if God exists. But if there is no God, you are setting yourself up as God, because we have a lot of evidence that suggests that God exists, and no proof that He doesn't.
Either way, you are making yourself out to be God by your decision to be an atheist. Maybe you don't know it, but you are. So, as an atheist, you are formally saying that there is no God, but by saying this, you are setting yourself up as God.
EDIT: You use the term "G-d" on a regular basis. What's a G-d?
Every time you close your eyes to sleep a monster might pop up and start dancing all around you..
plus if you try and video the monster whiles your asleep it turns invisible ..TRY AND PROVE I AM WRONG
I agree with you about the monsters living under the bed. We don't have proof that they don't live there in some way. But nobody is stating for a fact that they don't live there. Atheists state for a fact that God doesn't exist.
When you set yourself up making statements about things that you don't know for certain, you are a fool. In addition, you are setting yourself up as God by downplaying something that may be true though you don't know it.
Even the people who state that they know that monsters absolutely do not live under their bed, are setting themselves up as God. Why? Because all you have to do is view some of the microbes that live on the dust under your bed in a microscope to see the monsters there.
ARE WE EVEN HERE?..Atheist disbelieve there is a GOD..And do not worship GODS I.E A supreme beings
If god showed himself well then i would have to believe more chance seeing an alien than god
Atheists don't believe in a God. You're thinking of agnostics.
Agnosticism means you don't know if there is a god or not, and want proof.
"A theist, or believer in God, will tell you that he ABSOLUTELY exists. An atheist (non-believer) will say he ABSOLUTELY doesn't. " (link)
We cannot be sure about anything ;Dwe are 99.9% sure there is no god so not worth worshiping
and here is the proper meaning of an atheist
a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
"he is a committed atheist"
synonyms: non-believer, non-theist, disbeliever, unbeliever, heretic, sceptic, doubter, doubting Thomas, agnostic, infidel, irreligious person, heathen, pagan, freethinker, libertine,
I'm not the one who came up with the definition.
From an atheist website: http://atheists.org/activism/resources/what-is-atheism?
"The only common thread that ties all atheists together is a lack of belief in gods and supernatural beings. "
Which means they don't believe in gods. Agnosticism is what you were describing, where you don't know if there is or isn't a god.