We didn't exist before our brain existed, therefore there is no justifiable reason to believe we exist after our brain ceases functioning.
If you want to suggest otherwise then it is your responsibility to present sufficient evidence to support your claim.
no need to make it personal about gathering claims and proofs when you know that its not possible to know what happens after death.. it was just a question that i believe not just me have asked about it... ive asked what you think happens thats all
LOL! Where did I make it 'personal'? Hah! I simply replied to your question with a reasoned answer and reminded you that anything outside of that answer would require valid evidence.
How is that making it 'personal'?
Here's how you make it personal, while still being factual:
After all this time, and you haven't started to think yet. You still use the same stupidity to try to cloud issues. Or else you still think that somebody will be clouded by the same stupidity. Here's what I mean.
You are the one who stated that "we didn't exist before our brain existed." Now prove that, rather than trying to get others to prove the opposite.
Let's see now, you big ol' dishonest fundamentalist theist, you, I have asserted something based on the facts we do have, namely, there is no data, nor is there any reasonable explanation of mechanism, which supports our existing prior to the biological development of our brain, so my assertion is reasonable and, what's more, for you to suggest otherwise requires *you* to present evidence that our 'self' exists prior to the biological development of our brain.
Do you see how simple this is? No need for complex hypothesis with quantum-entanglement-magic, simply the undeniable fact that there is no evidence to support the notion that we exist outside of our brain's existence.
But this won't matter to you, what with fundie's apparently suffering from such immense intellectual dishonesty that they stop being able to consider the fact that, while they make herculean efforts to compartmentalise the inconvenience of facts, those outside of their bubble-of-dishonesty *do* in fact see them wriggling and writhing in desperate contortions and outright lies to keep their self-scam going.