For all of you that think they're so smart, so logical, so scientific, well I tell you gravity is an unproven theory! How is this scientific, how is this logical, how is this intelligent to say something is an incontestable, irrefutable fact so obviously true that to question it is blasphemy when it's not?
Gravity is the atheists God, without it their whole universe, the very ground they stand on falls apart; it also requires faith. do you think gravity is a theory? Gravity, whatever it is, is in existence all around us and through us. For example. Gravity not only holds me to the ground, but it also holds my car to the ground. You don't simply float in the air, do you? It is gravity that holds you down.
What does theory have to do with it? Gravity theory is merely the ideas of what gravity is made out of, and why it works the way it does. Gravity theory is not gravity. Gravity theory is an explanation of the fact of gravity. Gravity theory may be wrong, but gravity is in evidence all over the place.
Go into a house and look at a wall. Tap your fist on the wall. Kick the wall mildly. The wall is there. What holds the wall there? The studs behind/inside the wall. But you don't really know that the studs are there except if you saw the wall being build. The wall is in evidence, the studs are not.
Same with gravity. Gravity is like the wall. Gravity exists all over the place. People use it all over the world. In fact, there is no place on earth that is evidenced to be without gravity.
Gravity theory is like the studs inside the wall. We know that something is there, inside the wall. But we don't know if it is really studs; some walls are held up by plywood rather than studs. If it is studs, we don't know if they are made of pine or Douglas fir or sheet metal beams. We don't know how many of them there are. We use tools like stud finders to learn something about the studs in the wall.
The wall exists; gravity exists. The reasons for gravity existing the way it does are not known clearly, just like much of the info about the studs in a wall is not known clearly.
Blabbing about gravity theory being wrong, doesn't negate the fact that gravity exists, even if the theory is wrong.
What does this have to do with atheists hating religion?