However I am unclear why you deny the hatred, but maybe this is simple language issue as well. Mohammed was a great warrior and started a strong belief system that united much of the world under a common banner. (I attempted something similar, but with ultimately less success so far.) This would not have been possible without the willingness to ruthlessly slaughter those who opposed him and his followers. Ich was using the word hatred for the emotion one feels when a disbeliever denies the message and must be slaughtered. Perhaps you use a different word for this.
Hatred wasn't there. If there was hatred, captives after wat would have been killed. But prophet free them and/or taught them how to read and write. If there was hatred, prophet wouldn't have respected non-Muslims' dead bodies. This wasn't hatred, it was a struggle for their persistence.
Here, again is how Islam hates. (Note that many of the other religions of the world hate in the same way, even though most of the others do not have direct violence written into their writings.)
Islam (and other religions) as a religion doesn't do anything - no love, no hate, no getting up and crossing the street, nothing. Why not? Because religion, itself is like philosophy. It is ideals and beliefs, usually expressed in the form of writing on paper. Words on paper, all by themselves can do nothing. It is when the words get into people that the religion starts doing things.
Some religions talk about an afterlife. Others are merely a set of rules for living well in this life. Still other religions are both.
If a religion doesn't express the truth, it lies. If you have a religion that suggests ways or a way to live well in the afterlife, if what it expresses is the truth, good and well. But if what it expresses is falsehood, that religion is a setting where hate can be generated from in the hearts of everyone who converts to that religion.
Islam suggests ways for a person to gain a good afterlife - Heaven. Christianity does this also. Both religions have a different method for getting to Heaven. The methods are quite opposite, Islam stating that Heaven is gained through doing things, Christianity expressing that Heaven is gained through the things that Jesus already did... if one believes.
Because of how opposite these two religions are in this key point, if one of them is right, the other most certainly is false.
Since, as has been stated, the religion doesn't do or feel anything until it gets into the people, when the false religion gets into people, if it teaches falsehood about the hereafter, it essentially becomes hatred in the people who believe it. Not only does it become hatred, but it is hatred that is not necessarily felt as such by its adherers. Why not? Because it is destroying its own people simply by wrong belief, not by active emotion against others.
There is no salvation for and to Heaven except through the work Jesus did on the cross, and by His resurrection from the dead. Therefore, Islam hates those who believe it because it is working inside those who believe it, the method to send them to Hell forever. How does it do this? It keeps them from believing in the salvation of Jesus, the only way to Heaven.
Everyone dies. A religion of good works for this life is great. But it is not as nearly important as a religion that brings one to everlasting life in Heaven. Islam hates because it is bringing all of its true believers to Hell.