For some reason, you are assuming that in order to obtain education you have to be pro-socialistic. I am not sure why you think that way... All the education, that really matters I obtained on my own, mind you I paid BIG bucks for it. The socialistic piece of this is just getting a diploma regardless of what the heck it is worth. Of course, I am against this. How many public school students actually know anything worthwhile?
American socialism is this... You are in the middle-upper to upper class - you bust your ass and then you pay extra taxes to take care of the rest "who does not work". Yes, a chunk of that money goes to army/road building but a lot of it does not. Now, I do not have a problem with charity but I like to do it by my own consent not by decision of some politicians who cut my check arbitrarily from my standpoint.
To add to that, most taxes actually are going to military (a 500+ billion dollar army doesn't come from nowhere), a huge chunk of it goes to social security and welfare, a lot more goes to paying national interest on its debts (lol.) And then there's the wages of every government employee. I know I didn't sign up to have all my cash siphoned into the war; so why be for or against warfare? The gov's got a mind of its own, anyway. Statism has shown for thousands of years what good it does. It's just a matter of when, for the individual, they realize the source of all the world's problems; it's because a tiny portion of people rule the world, and they're always competing for complete control.