Of course. Present me with the evidence of God, and I will believe.
Describe what God looks like, provide testable evidence in his existence, provide means to communicate with him/her and I am in.
Instead, what we have is plenty of evidence that there is no God (or God does not care about this planet and this particular species of mammals), so yes, I am open-minded.
BTW, if God would appear in front of me right now, I would ask him: "What's up with all the hide and seek? Come closer so that I can punch your lights out for making people kill each other in your fucking name."
I know I am a better being than any God from the scriptures.
If I were able to present evidence of God, there is no need for an open mind. Even a closed mind would accept God if I can present God to him. An open mind accepts the possibility that there is God, but also accepts the possibility that there is no God. His mind is open.