Professor Valentina Zharkova is a tenured professor Mathematician and Astrophysicist. Her model of solar cycles is entirely reproducible, and accurately accounts for prior global temperature variations with a greater then 90% accuracy. It also entirely repudiates the current global warming narrative so it is ignored.
Professor Valentina Zharkova: The Solar Magnet Field and the Terrestrial Climate
How many people will take the 90 minutes to watch Professor Zharkova's presentation? Very few most will prefer to just be told the answer by the media the Pope or whoever else is whispering in their ear.
Truth is like that. Often hidden away in the background present but not demanding or forceful. It patiently waits for people to get tired of their current falsehood and approach it when they are ready.
Scientific theories are the best explanation for a specific thing though. Also global warming is not a scientific theory. The fact is that god is not a scientific theory, hypothesis or anything, it's just religion. It's by definition something that you have to believe in based on faith, not evidence, which is what everyone does. Faith is not a good path to the truth, that's also a fact.
There been an increase in temperature over recent decades that is established scientific fact. The global measured increase is just under 1 degree centigrade over the last 100 years or so.
The idea that the warming is caused by human activity, however, is unproven theory.
We know from the historical record that there have been large swings in temperature in the distant past long before mankind could have had any appreciable impact on the climate.
The default hypothesis should thus be that observed temperature variations are not caused by humans until we have ruled out external factors like cyclical variations solar output or orbital mechanics as a primary cause.
Did you know that Mars is currently undergoing global warming too?
Man made global warming is a theory one that is widely accepted by climate scientists. It's also probably false.
If you want to understand what is actually going to happen with climate in the next few decades I really do recommend watching Professor Zharkova video above her research and reproducible model is in my opinion a genuine scientific breakthrough.
You can already see the signs of retreat. The global warming salesman know they will soon be exposed as charlatans. That is why global warming has morphed into "Climate Change". I will laugh if it goes full on Orwellian and we start hearing about how man made CO2 is causing global cooling.
Scientific theories are only the best explanation for something if they are arrived at from a genuine objective search for truth rather then an attempted to secure funding or drive an agenda. Even then they only represent the most plausible answer based on our current information. Other possibilities exists and it is always a mistake to confuse theory with fact.
God is an a priori Truth. If you take the time to learn epistemology you will learn that all knowledge including scientific knowledge has a priori at its foundation.
It is no coincidence that the corruption of modern science is occurring simultaneously with the rise of atheism among scientists.