Where the FUCK did you get this from? I cannot believe what I am reading.
People don't believe in your God (or ANY OTHER GODS) because there is not a shred of evidence of your God's existence.
You not only make shit up in your own delusion, but you don't even understand why others see you as delusional and don't believe what you believe.
In the end, there will always be intellectually strong people and an intellectually weak who will need this extra supernatural help to get them through their day.
It actually has nothing to do with evidence, science, logic or any of that sort. It is a psychological defect that leads people into this delusion.
Be at peace af-newbie I am not accusing you of making those particular arguments. They are just the typical arguments I have often seen in some form or another.
Your argument is that the evidence for God's existence is not sufficient to compel you to believe in God so you don't. I understand your position. I also understand why you keep calling me delusional. I simply think you are mistaken.
You are correct that question ultimately has very little to do with evidence. It goes deeper then that and is related to how the available evidence is interpreted in the context of an individuals existing knowledge including the assumed axioms he or she applies when interpreting incoming evidence.
If you truly believe that God does not exist you will find confirmation for your disbelief everywhere. There is not sufficient data to compel you to abandon disbelief. Similarly if you truly believe in God you will find evidence supporting the glory of his existence every day.
The question is like a Bayesian inference that diverges to completely different conclusions when fed the same data set. This is because data itself is not ultimately separate from consciousness. Our knowledge is shaped by new data but new data is also shaped by our existing knowledge.
Given this reality no one will ever be able to prove God to you. However, that inability does not mean God does not exist. Thus instead of approaching the question from the perspective of looking for proof to reject disbelief I recommend instead trying to look at the world holistically from the perspective that God does exist examine how that changes your perspective on things. Then compare that worldview to your current one in its entirety.
Bruce Charlton who is a more eloquent writer then I expressed this in the following way.
The Big Decision about Life...
The situation is that Life is a mixed-picture: the decision is whether Life is validated by its best moments or times; or destroyed by its worst.
As I said, evidence does not help - the question is not quantitative. This is a matter of primary assumption.
And the question is not answerable in isolation - Life can only be validated if Life has 'meaning'; and the nature of validation depends on the nature of that meaning.
On the other hand, if you have already accepted that life has no meaning - is merely determined, or random - then you have already made your Big Decision. (Whether implicitly or explicitly) your basic assumptions ensure that for you Life is defined by its worst aspects - indeed the single, most extreme worst-of-Life is the truth-of-Life (both for individuals, and en masse).
Nothing can be done for you - because any possible Good will be negated by One Bad Thing - even when that Bad is merely the evanescence of Good.
On the other hand; if you understand, and live-by, the conviction that the best of Life is the truth of life (despite that this cannot be continuous) - then you have indomitable strength, assurance, and hope.
We only truly believe your god doesn't exist. The one from the bible. In general some sort of god could be possible.