God of the gaps? I never heard of this term before, so I had to look it up, and I found the youtube video with Neil Degrasse Tyson, (one of my favorites) talking about it, so I saw where you I got your reference to lightning being caused by Zeus being angry...😄
I am and always was enthralled with science. I am thrilled with each new discovery. Perhaps if you read my post again you would understand this. My logic follows science.
Quantum physics, String theory/Theory of everything, is about a far out as you can get! The more I learn about it (and before that Einstein's theory, or law), the more I am thrilled I am. Of course, there are vibrating strings that connect different dimensions of existence together. This makes sense to me as a musician and a clinical music therapist.
I would love to write endlessly on this topic as I love it but will stop here for now.
My apologies for the inability to express my concept of God as being much more flexible than you have assumed.
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Regarding "God of the gaps," Google it. Wikipedia has a reasonable description of it, but read what it says, not what it seems to say if you breeze over it - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_of_the_gaps. God of the gaps talks about the fallacy of intelligent design for proving the existence of God. However, when you add intelligent design to the machine quality of the universe, machines have makers, and intelligent design is how machines are made. This proves God.