So you don't know what spirits are but you believe they exist outside of our bodies?
How can you believe in something that you don't know what it is? That is just mind-blowing. At least Flat Earthers know what they believe in.
You religious guys don't even know what exactly you believe in. You are unable to define and describe the fundamental concept of your dogma, i.e. soul or non-personal spirits.
You believe in a story provided to you since childhood. That is why you believe, without question, without common sense, without knowing what exactly you believe in.
Don't feel bad, you and billions of other people have been brainwashed into the same cult. If you have any intelligence left, stop for a second, and ask yourself, what exactly is a spirit, or soul and why scientists were unable to detect it in the last 100 years.
Or better yet, stop believing that things that you cannot define exist.
It is like me saying: "I know that HexHronoExus exists, I cannot tell you what it is or what it looks like, but trust me I know it exists. I feel its presence."
Would you consider me a sane person for having such a belief?
Now you are talking just silly.
You believe in things that you don't know, but that you have some evidence for. The things that you know, are the things that you don't believe in. Why don't you believe them? Because you know them.
For example, when you sit down at the table for a meal, do you believe that the chair is there? Or don't you? You don't believe it. You know it. You know it so well that you don't even think about it. You simply go and sit down.
If you don't understand that there is some evidence that spirits exist outside the body, you have been leading a sheltered life... very sheltered. All you need do is some Internet searches to see that there is evidence. Since there is evidence of out of body, why do you think that you know that spirits don't exist outside the body? You sound a little like you are missing some part of your brain.
As far as your HexHronoExus, I don't know what it is, and at the moment, I don't much care. But why would I consider you insane if you know it exists. I mean, if you have such a belief, that's between you and the wall. But... don't you think that you should examine what it is that you said up there^^^? You didn't say belief that it exists. You said Know that it exists. Then you said that you believe that you know. You are talking about something that everybody does about something. Are you trying to say that people are insane, and get me to agree with you about something that you are unclear on?
On top of that, when you say that I believe in a story, look around and see all the stories that people believe in. But they don't do it for lack of some evidence. They do it because they see evidence that is not conclusive. If the evidence were conclusive, they would know it and wouldn't have to believe.
If you have never been to China, how do you know that it exists? You believe it very strongly because you have a bunch of faith in a whole lot of people who say they have been there... who are showing you pictures that they say come from there... are doing things that they claim have to do with China. But you only have strong faith in China, because you have never been there yourself, and you don't know for a fact.
But I have a book ("Book of AF Newbie") that clearly specifies and provides "proof" that HexHronoExus exists. The book lists historical figures and events and provides a written record of HexHronoExus existence.
I am talking silly? How are my claims any less valid than those of Christian mythology?
Scripture - check
Written record - check
Disciples - check
Believers - check
Church - check
Just compare it with Christianity to see how ridiculous the whole concept of religion is.
If you want to believe about your HexHronoExus, go right ahead. But do you see what you just said? You said validity.
Almost all religions are based on faith. Faith means not having 100% knowledge, but it also means having enough knowledge so that one can see that it might be factual. The Christian religion fits this. If you believe your HexHronoExus thing has enough evidence, put your faith in it.
Just remember, the second most printed book in the world has been published less than half the times that the Bible has. And that book isn't even a religious book. The point is that this evidence, alone, gives the Bible great strength. When you add to it the fact of 25,000 hand-copied New Testaments from the old days, and the next nearest was only in the range of 900, and next to that was almost nothing - only 5 ancient, hand copies of Plato - the Bible and Christianity have some zest to them that nothing else has.
If we never had invented the printing press, there would still be thousands upon thousands of Bibles, hand copied. But there wouldn't be more than one of Darwin. The Bible has strength.