Bitcoin right now keeps on increasing its value, and many more cryptocurrencies are occurring.
Do you think someday bitcoin will end or will be replace by other cryptocurrencies?
Is it too late to invest?
Is there a chance that bitcoin will be down?
The nature of markets is such that no one knows where the price will go with 100% certainty. You are in essence making a guess about the future.
Some people say bitcoin is in a bubble (which doesn't mean that the technology isn't valid, but that the price is way out of whack) and, if so, then bubbles have a way of also going much further than most people think. There are a bunch of news pieces from Bloomberg and other mainstream media that present you with "experts" (they aren't really any better than someone deeply involved in the crypto-field) that say BTC 40,000 USD, 50,000 USD and we even heard 500,000 USD...
On the other hand, others make the argument that it is like gold and better than gold and that its total supply is much smaller than gold (comparing units of BTC to ounces of gold), which give it a potential price much higher than currently. While this is interesting, it is not yet certain if bitcoin will have the kind of flows gold has and this poses a risk to that theory/analogy.
The price is likely to keep rising, but I'll emphasize that
I have no idea what the long-term, equilibrium or fair value of bitcoin really is and I don't think anyone does. Be careful when people give you a specific price target, there is no such thing, no one really knows. Professional trading involves you being able to constantly assess the current situation and risk/reward.
When you use the bubble word, people tend to get triggered, so I'll give you a real-world example: Microsoft (along with Amazon and other current good tech companies). During the late 90s dotcom bubble (it was not accepted as a bubble by everyone at the time - people kept saying that "we are in a new paradigm", but now, after the facts, we all see it for what it is, a bubble), all tech stocks rose unbelievably. Those of companies that made no sense, as well as those of companies that were good (Microsoft, Amazon, etc.). In the case of Microsoft, the price of 1 share rose to $59.97 at the peak of the bubble and it took Microsoft almost
17 years to reach that price again! It reached that price just 1 year ago, in October 2016... This is to say that you can have something that is good and functional (like Microsoft or BTC), but that the price can get ahead of itself, crash hard and only get back there with a lot of time and the technology getting to a point where that price is justified.
So do the best you can to assess the situation, but most importantly:
never invest or speculate more than you can afford to lose.