At what point do you think you'll start to question if there's something wrong with you when you want the criminals to win?
I'm not surprised. Those who are being exploited are often too blind to see it. You think your support for these monsters will somehow benefit you, but it won't. You're simply being used to prop up someone who wants more power for themselves. The parallels between Wright and Trump are more numerous than you realise. They're both narcissists, they both lust for control of something that doesn't belong to them and they'll both cross any lines and break any rules it takes to get what they want.
Obvious cults are obvious, but only to those who aren't in them.
So far, there isn't anything at all dramatic that has been evidenced that Trump did wrong as President, against America. But there are loads of things good that he did as President -
What about Trump in his personal life? The things that he did wrong personally have been blabbed about so loudly and so often by the media that they overshadow all the wrongdoing by the Biden team and loads of other people in government. If the media talked about the Biden team and others in government, Trumps little potential personal wrongdoing would be lost like a needle in a haystack.
You Trump naysayers are missing it completely. And if it is by accident rather than intentional propaganda, you are really going to be surprised... especially in calling the solid citizens of the US middle class, a cult.