Will you leave gambling if your future wife/husband tells you to do this ?
For the better good then definitely YES! if my wife would really be telling about quitting then i would really be doing such thing.Better to make yourself that obedient as his husband.
Nothing beats out on having a life with a happy wife.
If your wife is really just that fine on the things that you are getting involved into then thats good but if she forbids out and telling you to quit then fine
and dont tend to argue knowing that gambling could really mess up someones life when it comes to finance which it is really just that normal that your wife would really be minding about your finances
or even if you arent that still married but if she had plans on marrying you then earlier the better on telling you on what are the things that she does like and not.If you do love someone then you would really be
that prepared on sacrificing on the things that you have get used to it.
On the time that you do have a happy wife then you would definitely be having a happy life and this is what we do prefer most. We do know that not all would really be that
too open even they had just got married. They would really be secretly be still doing gambling and on the time and once you do get caught then you do
know on whats next. Whether its a divorce or a severe discussion and quarrels on which this is something that i dont really like.