Explain me one thing, why would the price increase after the rewards are paid out?
What is the added value for the WINGS token coming from prediction market?
actually I thought of one more reason I love my wings. Bancor tried to use a method allowing anyone and everyone who wanted to invest in their ico, but it didn't work and they had to end it early because of the insane amount of money they raised. But if you had wings and you used them to forecast you were able to obtain BNT without joining the crowdsale.
I expect coindash will sell out EXTREMELY fast. Again I am glad I own wings and use them to forecast so that I can earn some CDT whether or not I am lucky enough to get into the ICO since it's likely alot of people won't be able to, assuming it sells out as fast as I think it will
It's not like your going to get a huge bag of coins...
You might get like 5 bancor
That's more like a dividend to be sold at market rate... unless you plan on holding those expecting BNT to be 100billion cap coin.
Obviously if you want in on these projects your going to have invest...
LMAO, how do you know how how many BNT I will get!?! The top WingsDao whale that forecasted, all things being equal, meaning everyone forecasted at the exact time, and forecasted the exact same thing, which they didn't, but had it happened that way, he would have earned 15,500 USD worth of BNT and ETH, granted the top whale had 3.5M wings and I don't, but how do you come up with the conclusion that I only get 5 BNT for my efforts of due diligence at making forecasts through wings platform?
Do you know how early I forecasted? Do you know how close I came to the right prediction? Do you know how many wings I have? (In the future, do you know how many people are giving me their liquid delegation to forecast for them?)
This is why I say, wait until rewards are paid out, then wings will FLY!
People who don't have wings will want wings, and "Some people" who have wings will realize they've been missing out on forecasting and will be pulling them off exchanges to actually use them to earn rewards. (Think supply/demand) hint hint....
Their are going to be people who earned bags full of sometimes hard to get your hands on coins.
And in the future, it will be possible for people with lesser wings getting huge shares of these compared to people with many more wings due to the fact that they are really good at forecasting.