It states that the adex team will price there tokens based on wings forecast and a
10 million cap
What's the purpose of forecasting when we are all guessing what 10million in ETH will be?
I'm confused... I'm confident they will get the 10mil but I swore they were talking about a soft cap of 40million... but that they were going to release hard cap numbers on the 28th
So what is it for the cap?
10mil, 40mil, or currently unknown???
Lack of direct information will make this forecast worthless... the median forecast is 100K eth.
Currently that is near 30million, but if they have a cap at 10mil$ then obviously we projecting an impossible value when the cap is roughly 35K eth...
What am I missing here???
you are just losing potential reward on forecast cause you are waiting
just read the whitepaper and forecast as soon as you can for bigger reward.
you are wrong, check the rules