I think people are getting it easier nowadays when it comes to consequences so they do stupid stuff like this one and then try to make it everyone's problem when it's clearly their fault. If I ever come across that kind of person, I would probably laugh on their faces because they've made an avoidable mistake, why let me in on your problem? I don't even know you.
I feel like this is right but I can't necessarily agree with this, I definitely feel like some people are getting away with consequences so easily, it's not just with gambling, I think that this is a trend right now especially with social media platforms where everyone wants to be famous and so they do stupid and borderline criminal pranks and they get away with just saying that it's just a prank or something like that, I really feel good inside whenever scums that are getting their just desserts. I don't know about the laughing at them though, maybe don't do it in front of them?
"would you keep buying an alcoholic more booze" Is what I read and understand from this question.
Best analogy question for this one although I do think that any addiction would still be the same if not get much better because some alcoholics have their problem rooted in something far worse and they might see alcohol as an escape, it's not a good thing to tolerate someone who's clearly destroying themselves and are already showing signs that your help will only be appreciated because it just fuels their addiction. I do think that it's weird that people are thinking to do this kind of stuff, crowdfunding for someone who's clearly losing money already from gambling unless you want and like to watch them crash and burn, I don't see the point of funding that addiction.
Definitely not. It's like I'm being an accessory to their addiction. If I myself can't fund my own gambling activities that much, why would I fund and support someone who's been proven to be irresponsible and cannot control themselves? I can support them in some way but certainly not financially. If the person will not hold the funds directly and will only get what they need in order to recover from their addiction, perhaps I can help with that. Otherwise, I won't extend any financial help at all.
It's not "it's like", you are being an accessory to their addiction because besides tolerating it, you are also fueling them when they should've stopped a long time ago because they're not doing themselves any favor continuing to gamble. I don't think that your way of helping them is going to go the way you want it because as noble as it is, you are going to be tempting them to use that money for recovery to gamble, better if they don't see any when they're really trying to recover.