with the Xchat setup I need to change all my wallet or is an app standalone?
Messaging in wallet app all in one. Make a new address for your mail inbox.
I saw!
I cant find the post where explain how to use the messaging.
I create a new address only for chat this XCHAT : XVNm27vhisQbv2cT7ChUGpWu4NZhSNuAYz
Then I need the address of who I wanna write.
And The public for what I need it? The wallet give mine, but where i Put yours?
And Need I to add node?
Okay Step #1, go to receive coins, create a NEW entry for XChat
Step #2, go to address book, add a new entry for the person you want to chat with
Step #3, go to messages, select your address from step #1 (this goes in from field)
Step #4, put address from step #2 in the to field
Step #5, paste users pubkey in key field