Reading through your posts, i see a lot of flaming...
I am also the guy who correctly predicted BTC to drop to $350 and predicted the price rise to slow down due to a mathematical analysis.
Correct there is nothing better at the moment for obfuscating the IP address.
Please understand that analysis is orthogonal from inventing new solutions. I am providing analysis.
Dude..Even bitcoin is not immune to the NSA. thats too far fetched now imo....NSA and Quantam Compute immunity that so many people want, comes with time, implementing I2P is still a great start for any coin, NSA immunity and such can come after.....
May be too late to wait to add real protection that I2P and Tor don't provide. ETA for global sovereign debt collapse starts Oct. 2015.
P.S. note I edited my post to change "useless" to "not sufficient".
Oh, I think that I2P+Ring Sigs would offer be more than the perfect anonymous combo for 99.99% of people. And of course, any NSA proof anonymity/what you suggested, should be done, but IMO, after the I2P is already done.
Besides the analysis that ring signatures (at least in the way they are employed in Monero and CryptoNote) are not scalable and thus can't target a large ("99%" of) population, they are not going to provide anonymity for those who want to protect their wealth from the coming global confiscation by the bankrupted western society.
Yes they can provide anonymity against hackers who don't have a backdoor on all traffic passing over the internet, but that is not the point at all for me as to why I wanted an anonymous coin. The entire point all along for me has been how to survive the coming global police state.
It can work for 99% of people, if those people just use it as a form of savings account, a tax haven in the cloud if you will. Obviously not if they are trying to use it for all of their expenditures. But no blockchain will ever scale to that point. Certainly bitcoin will never be able to be used by average joe for day to day transactions. Atleast not in a reasonably decentralized form.
the point is that monero is perfect for "survive the coming global police state" Large amounts in and large amounts in and large amounts out. Put 10,000 dollars in, and when ever you need some cash, withdraw atleast 1000 of it at a time. People who use swiss bank accounts right now arnt using them for every day transactions, they put large sums in, and take large sums out.
*edit* also you can have 1 cryptonote currency for each city, and then one for trading between them. a local currency that you can do smaller trades in and a global currency for moving back and forth between the local ones