Let's look things in the face, currently no coin can compete Bitcoin.
Monero could, but their devs are too sluggish, and the same time do not accept neither help nor critics:
You're not in #monero-dev on IRC to discuss the dev status of Monero, so it's hard for me to accept that you have any insight into the state of Monero. We are far from sluggish. All 7 of the core team members have to earn a living. Each of us can spend 14 hours a day on Monero, but then we need to draw an hourly payment to cover our time. Thus far we have received well under 1 BTC in donations, a trivial amount. That means that all of our time and energy and effort is completely self-funded.
We are not sitting on mountains of XMR, this is a cryptocurrency that had an absolutely 100% fair launch. Given the current size of the cryptocurrency market I would argue that it had an even fairer launch than Bitcoin, because tons of people jumped on and mined it from day 1. We had no opportunity to amass any sizeable amount of XMR. Thus, our entire effort is a labour of love and completely because we want to see XMR become useful. If we get no donations, we are unable to spend large amounts of time on it, and we will have to peck away at it in our spare time. If you want to see less "sluggishness" (i.e. more time allocated), then donate. If you haven't donated you have absolutely no room to manoeuvre in this discussion.
- 32 bit obsolete Windows binaries are still sticky at 1st page this thread
The embedded database work is in progress (see:
https://github.com/tewinget/bitmonero/tree/blockchain), and the existing binaries work with PAE on, so "obsolete" is not the correct term. The 32-bit Windows binaries work. The PAE requirement is noted on the OP now.
- No newbie's FAQ is ever made (who can support price if not newbies?!)
Feel free to make one, or feel free to donate to free someone's time up so they can make this, but this is not at a stage where it is newbie-friendly yet, and is in such a state of flux that this would be a complete waste of effort.
- Official site has still html markup errors.
Official site is being replaced, so this would be wasted effort. Even so, HTML markup errors are rather irrelevant given the state of browsing in 2014 - virtually all the sites on the Internet don't comply with the W3C's markup validation, but render just fine.
- There is no special man to answer newbies questions here officially from face of Monero team.
With the aforementioned donations, it's enough to cover 1 day of a "special man" sitting here and answering questions. If you want that to change, donate.
- Even missives come with 1-2 day delay. This delay is more important than it appears, because time regularity of Monero missives is the ONLY thing Monero devs promise us.
See above. But over and above that, the Monero Missive is a weekly update. There is no fixed day that it comes out - it can come out any time from Monday to Sunday, but there is one a week. If we skip an entire week then your "1-2 day delay" would be valid, else go back and confirm that from the first Missive there has been 1 a week.