I have no idea why the difficulty of XMR is so much higher than BCN (and others), but it is. Apparently people want to mine XMR because they like the mascot or something, because it has nothing to do with relative profitability, monetary costs, opportunity costs, or any other economic considerations.
I actually consider this healthy for XMR, as commercial miners (whether they are using a botnet or any other equipment -- in case it is not clear I consider a botnet to be just another form of mining gear) motivated by immediate economics are more likely to sell, while miners who do so for non-economics reasons might be mining and holding, or just mining without really thinking about economics. Apparently XMR has a lot of these.
Provide your estimates then, since I can't see a mistake in mine.
Do you really think that a botnet is just a mining gear? And rape is just a form of sex, right? Anyway, I'm pretty sure that botnet owners don't hold the coins they've mined as there are risks associated with the waiting game and you might have used your botnet for other purposes instead.
And I'm not trying to troll, but do you operate a botnet yourself?
Happen to know how fast those are?
No, but I guess I could ask one of them. The other one I haven't talked to for a while.
Could you also ask why botnet owners choose XMR over BCN (as it seems we're off the route with smooth)?