Yobit hasn't paid it's campaign participants in about 7 days now. I am far from confident that they're ever going to pay us and I'd like to remove their signature. If I do, am I going to get kicked out of the campaign and be unable to claim the payment for the posts I've made in the last week? It's 0.0036BTC and I don't want to lose that.
Or if I were to just stop posting, would I get booted for inactivity and also lose that 0.0036BTC? I'm not angry at yahoo62278 since I know this is a yobit problem, but I'd like to get an answer to those questions. I really don't want to keep advertising for them when there seems to be a high probability that the 'send to my btc balance' button is ever going to be functional again.
Since yahoo locked the campaign thread I thought I'd ask this here since it's not completely off topic and I don't want to start a new thread about it. Part of me thinks yobit wants members to remove their signatures or become inactive so they can kick them out officially without payment. The reality is, none of us know what's going on because yobit hasn't communicated anything to us.
I cannot answer the questions but I can try to message and get a response from the owner. They only reply once in a great while and it has been that way throughout the whole campaign.
The only thing I know for sure is if you remove the signature you are out of the campaign. It will not allow you to rejoin. I would assume that once earnings are earned they are yours to keep, but i'm not 100% sure on that. I have never participated in a campaign of theirs until now, and I don't post often enough for earnings to add up fast.
Like I said, I will try yet again to message the Admin of Cryptotalk and see if I can get responses. I have messaged about the empty wallet already with no reply for days now. Looks like others have commented it was the same way with the yobit campaign but they eventually paid. I cannot guarantee that will be the case with this campaign. I'm in the same boat as all of you with myself wearing the signature. We take the risk and stay in and hope the money is refilled or we leave are our only choices.
If I get a response from the Admin I'll post it here.
Yahoo ile bir üye arasında şöyle bir konuşma geçmiş. Olur mu olmaz mı bilmiyorum ama şu an için imzayı kaldırmak bence risk. En azından bir süre beklemek gerekiyor gibi görünüyor, umarım havuz yeniden dolar