2. Remove the stigma
3. Confide in a love one
4. Seek professional health
5. Adjust as needed
Now, if you still want to gamble but you don't want to become addicted to it, one of the things you should do in my opinion is:
1. Only set aside an amount of money that you will use to gamble in a casino.
2. Don't think that you will gamble to make money, because if you do that, you will surely have a problem later.
3. Just spend a few hours staying in a casino to gamble so you can avoid what you don't realize is wasting time that you should be spending on important things instead of gambling.
Of all that was said from the quote you made and referenced together with the one you give by yourself, i only find out your own points are more effective than what others said concerning avoid gambling, yours talk more about the steps in action to take to curb or stop any further attempts in doing what one is already used to, abstainance is one of the key way to get someone disciplined on a particular aspect, then you will try to look for an alternative means to exchange the addiction with by introducing something else to get busy with and the gambler could always gets occupied.