Despite further technical development being on its' 'summer vacation', trade volumes continue to rise on MintPal (The only exchange that matters, right?).
- With many times more volume of buys than sells
Perhaps of even more interest to the avid market-watcher is the subtle manoeuvering within the first few ranks of sell-walls. Now I'm not saying that a whale-pump is imminent, but if I WAS a pod of krill-filterers for sure I'd have at least one more attempt - sometime over the summer, probably whilst people are distracted by other issues (such as the World Cup) - to shake out a few billion more from the weakhands.
The 'trick' is to realise what's going on, & to accept that the very fact that it IS going on is 'all the proof you need' that it will, in the long run, be wisest to resist their games, in effect to simply...
It's pretty much impossible to keep this thread updated on all the things that are happening 'behind the scenes' @ zeitcom but a lot of effort is being put into 'outreach work' - communicating with people who've at best hardly even heard of bitcoin about why (& how!) they can become a part of this cray-zee cryptosphere. The fruits of that effort may not show up here, but can be measured by the growth of the total global hashrate in general, and the increase in buying of our own coin on MintPal.
For those in need of guidance in the mining department, I'd heartily recommend having a gander at the Blake-256 Ecosystem. - I've been 'merge-mining' for about a week now & am very pleased with the results so far. For those who haven't a clue what I'm talking about, it means you mine one pool but get FIVE coins for your hashrate. (Soon to be seven!)
Okay, it takes a bit more work to market all the coins efficiently, but it's worth it. I'm getting at least double what I was mining Myriad-Groestl. In particular, Dirac & Electron are extremely high-value right now. The Devs over there are extremely active & helpful, some respected whales are publicly 'upping' the project and best of all, there is a profound feeling of 'this is mining, but for grown-ups' - a refreshing change from the usual 'bar-brawling' so prevalent on a lot of other threads.
If you have the time to do justice to it, if you care about maximising your potential, if you want to pay the bills & still have a little spare to buy more Zeit, there's no better place to mine right now
.. and mining gets even more profitable, now that BTC has passed $600
With Dirac currently trading @ .0032 BTC & my 2 GPUs mining me 10+/day that's damn close to a hundred quid a week, from just one of my five 'Blake Ecosystem' coins.
Happy Lion!