I don't think you can find a high efficiency switching power supply that isn't 120V-240V so that isn't an issue. The issue would be access. In most US homes other than dryer & range there are no 240V connections. The other "interesting" thing is nobody makes 2500W powersupplies (due to lack of need and lack of access). Even w/ a pair of PSU it is hard to get 2500W. You could use a pair of 1350W but if your DC load is say 2300W (2500W AC at 92% efficiency) you would be loading a pair of 1350W PSU to 85%. Ouch. Generally not a good idea to push them beyond 75% for long term usage (and efficiency). Maybe a pair of 1500W PSU? Still 1500W PSU are 240V only because no UL rated device can be >1440W continual unless it has a 20A plug.
So maybe the device can only work @ 240V using a pair of 1500W PSU? Just pointing out the wattage is "interesting". You are right they may be highballing it however the MH/W is roughly 2x the single which would indicate they either found a chip twice as efficient or they aren't highballing it.