It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
17:10:16 New block 378876, baseTarget 276689, netDiff 66230 Tb
17:10:21 Thread "S:\Burst\plots" @ 4.9 sec (86.0 MB/s) CPU 37.27%
17:10:24 [ 8448862900709129731] found DL: 4086
17:10:25 [ 8448862900709129731] sent DL: 4086 0d 01:08:06
17:10:29 Thread "I:\Burst\plots" @ 12.9 sec (144.2 MB/s) CPU 58.98%
17:10:29 Thread "E:\Burst\plots" @ 12.9 sec (144.1 MB/s) CPU 58.66%
17:10:29 Thread "H:\Burst\plots" @ 13.0 sec (143.5 MB/s) CPU 58.52%
17:11:07 [ 8448862900709129731] confirmed DL: 4086 0d 01:08:06
WINNER: Get info failed: 10060
WINNER: Get info failed: 10060
17:16:39 Winner: 382s by 8J2J-BVFK-Z6LJ-EQ37Z
17:16:39 New block 378877, baseTarget 284727, netDiff 64360 Tb
17:16:40 [ 8448862900709129731] found DL: 2533984
17:16:40 [ 8448862900709129731] sent DL: 2533984 29d 07:53:04
17:16:44 [ 8448862900709129731] found DL: 1825463
17:16:45 [ 8448862900709129731] sent DL: 1825463 21d 03:04:23
17:16:45 Thread "S:\Burst\plots" @ 6.4 sec (65.8 MB/s) CPU 28.52%
17:16:54 [ 8448862900709129731] found DL: 251888
17:16:55 [ 8448862900709129731] sent DL: 251888 2d 21:58:08
17:16:58 Thread "H:\Burst\plots" @ 19.0 sec (98.2 MB/s) CPU 40.26%
17:16:59 Thread "I:\Burst\plots" @ 20.1 sec (92.8 MB/s) CPU 38.45%
17:16:59 Thread "E:\Burst\plots" @ 20.2 sec (92.2 MB/s) CPU 38.35%
17:17:19 [ 8448862900709129731] 2533984 > 251888 discarded
17:17:32 [ 8448862900709129731] confirmed DL: 1825463 21d 03:04:23
17:17:51 [ 8448862900709129731] confirmed DL: 251888 2d 21:58:08
17:18:29 Winner: 104s by G7U8-UAC2-P4Q5-EJ5FY (xmine)
17:18:29 Winner's pool: RNMB-9FJW-3BJW-F3Z3M (Burst Mining Club Pool Wallet)
17:18:29 New block 378878, baseTarget 277638, netDiff 66003 Tb
17:18:34 Thread "S:\Burst\plots" @ 4.8 sec (87.9 MB/s) CPU 38.55%
17:18:36 [ 8448862900709129731] found DL: 350375
17:18:36 [ 8448862900709129731] sent DL: 350375 4d 01:19:35
17:18:42 Thread "I:\Burst\plots" @ 13.2 sec (140.8 MB/s) CPU 59.08%
17:18:42 Thread "H:\Burst\plots" @ 13.3 sec (139.9 MB/s) CPU 58.94%
17:18:42 Thread "E:\Burst\plots" @ 13.5 sec (137.6 MB/s) CPU 59.33%
17:19:11 [ 8448862900709129731] confirmed DL: 350375 4d 01:19:35
WINNER: Get info failed: 10060
17:19:28 New block 378879, baseTarget 266545, netDiff 68750 Tb
17:19:30 [ 8448862900709129731] found DL: 1084901
17:19:30 [ 8448862900709129731] sent DL: 1084901 12d 13:21:41
17:19:34 Thread "S:\Burst\plots" @ 5.5 sec (75.9 MB/s) CPU 32.78%
17:19:41 [ 8448862900709129731] found DL: 232313
17:19:42 [ 8448862900709129731] sent DL: 232313 2d 16:31:53
17:19:43 Thread "H:\Burst\plots" @ 14.5 sec (128.6 MB/s) CPU 53.37%
17:19:43 Thread "I:\Burst\plots" @ 15.1 sec (123.1 MB/s) CPU 51.54%
17:19:44 Thread "E:\Burst\plots" @ 15.3 sec (121.6 MB/s) CPU 50.90%
17:20:25 [ 8448862900709129731] confirmed DL: 1084901 12d 13:21:41
17:21:03 [ 8448862900709129731] confirmed DL: 232313 2d 16:31:53
17:24:38 Winner: 358s by ZJ2V-WTTH-CM5D-3G464 (NongPui)
17:24:38 Winner's pool: F3XD-Y4M5-SN8C-G9FFJ (L═üe═Å═ê═Ö═Üx═ç═Ö╠¬╠ú╠╣ ╠«═ê╠½╠╝P═×o═Ø╠▒═à╠ÿ╠ù╠¼═ê═Üo═à╠¬╠á╠▓╠Ñl═× burst
17:24:38 New block 378880, baseTarget 276464, netDiff 66284 Tb
17:24:43 Thread "S:\Burst\plots" @ 4.6 sec (90.4 MB/s) CPU 41.98%
17:24:43 [ 8448862900709129731] found DL: 789901
17:24:43 [ 8448862900709129731] sent DL: 789901 9d 03:25:01
17:24:43 [ 8448862900709129731] found DL: 478430
17:24:44 [ 8448862900709129731] sent DL: 478430 5d 12:53:50
17:24:51 Thread "I:\Burst\plots" @ 12.8 sec (145.6 MB/s) CPU 60.88%
17:24:51 Thread "E:\Burst\plots" @ 13.0 sec (143.6 MB/s) CPU 60.13%
17:24:51 Thread "H:\Burst\plots" @ 13.1 sec (141.9 MB/s) CPU 59.25%
17:25:38 [ 8448862900709129731] confirmed DL: 478430 5d 12:53:50
17:25:39 [ 8448862900709129731] confirmed DL: 789901 9d 03:25:01