Is there a page which documents all the different rate limits? For example, there's EAPI but also EORDER rate limits, and I think I found a post here describing EAPI but not EORDER.
Also, are the EORDER rate limits per-tradepair, or global across all tradepairs?
I'm not sure what you mean by EAPI vs EORDER.
Edit: all rate limits are per pair, not global. It's only per pair for add/cancel orders, global for everything else.
The rate limit (for tier 3) works like this (a count system):
Max Count (before lockout): 15 (lockout is for 15 minutes)
Count Reduction Rate: 1 every 3 seconds
Count increment for order add/cancel calls: +0
Count increment for ledger/trade history calls: +2
Count increment for all other calls: +1
Example: Starting from a count of 0, suppose that you made the following calls during a 6 second window: 5 add/cancel calls, 6 ledger calls, and 4 "other" calls. Your count would then be 5*0 + 6*2 + 4*1 – 2 = 14 (since the count is below 15 you would not be locked out).
The above governs private calls, not public calls. There is a rate limit for public calls, but it's much higher and shouldn't be an issue.
The limit for other tiers is as follows:
Tiers 1-2: Same as above except Max Count = 10 and Count Reduction Rate = 1 every 5 seconds.
Tier 4: Same as above except Max Count = 20 and Count Reduction Rate = 1 every 2 seconds.